Baked skunk is delicious and these little animals with the black stripes down their backs are useful after all. In order to have baked skunk for Sunday dinner you must first obtain the skunk. This isn't easy. The method recommended by many Northern trappers is the oldtime box trap. You can make one of these traps to take to your summer cabin and have meat nd protection at the same time.

Once you get the skunk in the box trap, the really delicate work beings. Attach a long pole to the box trap and take the skunk carefully to the nearest water hole and drown him. This method is very humane and you can wash the skunk at the same time.

After the skunk is drowned skim him carefully and make sure you remove the scent sack under the tail as it might taint the meat. After the skunk is cut up and quartered you put the meat in a pan and sprinkle paprika, sage, salt and pepper along with some onion and you can bake the skunk meat until tender.

Invite your mother-in-law and you no doubt know some polititians intimately who you would invite for dinner?

Good Luck! laugh

Simplify your methods to the point of perfection.

Become fast,efficient & effective.

The real "SECRET" to successful trapping.

