Teds Fur Shed and Dobbins Products are proud to announce the 2nd annual kids essay contest! All kids 16 and under that are interested in trapping are invited to write an essay about why they want to trap or why they enjoy trapping. The best 12 essays will receive a bridger leghold trap of their choice from Teds Fur Shed and all entrants will receive a bottle of Meowch lure from Teds Fur Shed or a bottle of Backbreaker lure from Dobbins Products their choice. Let us know which lure you would prefer in your essay and your email address.and mailing address. We will contact the top twelve winners to find out which bridger leghold trap they want. All essays must be in by October 31st. You can enter by sending an email to tedsfurshed@gmail.com or by mail to Teds Fur Shed P.O. Box 13 Tok, Ak 99780 must be postmarked by October 31st. Good luck everybody and we're truly looking forward to reading your essays. We REALLY enjoyed last years essays. Open to all kids in the continental United State and Alaska. We wish we could include the Canadian younguns but not able to ship there at this time sorry.

Ted and Paul

Last edited by akntrpr; 10/04/21 01:14 PM.

Born and raised in paradise
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H.O.T. Products (Hanson's Outdoor and Trapping Products)