Just passing this message for all the Kansas guys that trap otter:

Trappers, most of you receiving this message had an otter tagged within the past 2 seasons. The reason I'm contacting you is that our KDWPT offices are going to be shut down starting Monday for at least 2 weeks. If you have otters on hand, you will not be able to get them tagged after our offices close this Friday until we reopen not earlier than April 6.

As such, we are going to extend the April 7 tagging deadline until at least 2 weeks after our offices reopen. And be assured, we will be flexible with the tagging deadline going forward.

Of course I don't have emails for everyone who traps otter, so your assistance in helping spread this message to other trappers would be appreciated.

Best wishes to all.

Matt Peek
wildlife research biologist
Kansas Dept of Wildlife, Parks & Tourism
PO Box 1525
Emporia, KS 66801

Lifetime Member of the NTA, FTA, Kansas Furharvesters,and the Arizona Trappers Association.