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Flat Set
        While there are more variations to the flat set than there are to the dirt hole, I'll try to come up with a
        general flat set that is generic in nature.  Again, location is the most important aspect of any set.  If the
        animals do not travel close enough to notice the set, it won't matter how well the set is constructed. 
        A flat set is nothing more than a set using an object above ground rather than a hole to apply scent 
        and attract the animal.  The object can be a rock, piece of sod, piece of wood, a bone, piece of 
        charred wood etc.  If one of these objects don't already exist at the good location, you can easily put
        one right where you'd like to construct the set. 

Here a set is placed at the end of a piece of wood.  The length of the wood keeps the animal from approaching from the rear.  The trap is not covered here to show its position in relation to the end of the piece of wood.

        It's good to position the set where the object will stand out in contrast to the immediate area. When
        you position the object to be used in the flat set, keep in mind how you want the animal to approach 
        the set.  Using existing backing material at the site you can position the set so that the animal must 
        travel over the trap to reach the scented object. 

Charred piece of wood used for Flat Set.  Note the backing is a tuft of grass to keep the animal from approaching from the rear.  The pan is not covered here to show where the trap is located in relation to the charred post. The trap will receive a 1/4 - 1/2 inch of dirt over it before the set is complete. 

        You should bed your trap solidly just like the dirt hole set.  Usually a good gland lure or urine works
        good at these sets.   Before I'd make a flat set with both gland lure and urine, I'd make two separate
        flat sets from five to thirty steps apart and use gland lure only on one and urine only on the other. 
        Having two sets that smell differently doubles your chances at any given locaton.  There are not target
        animals that can get in one, leaving one still operating.  Quite often fox and coyotes will travel in pairs.
        Having two or more sets at a good location gives you a chance for a double catch.  Double catches
        are more common in the fall and winter than in the spring and summer months. This set is also a 
        good companion set with the dirt hole set in the same general area.

        This is just a basic description of a Flat/Urine post set.  There are many different variations of this set 
        and much can and has been written about the Flat Sets.

         Animals used for:

         Fox - Both red and grey fox are taken regularly in this set.  Use gland or urine for to lure the set.

         Coyotes - This set works on coyotes too.  Lure the same as for fox. 

         Bobcats - This set will take bobcats too, but its a good idea to hang a bird wing where legal or even
         lengths of cassette tape from a nearby tree limb.  The motion of the wing or tape in the air will get the
         attention of the cat.  Bobcats have a very keen eyesight, but not so good at smelling compared to
         canines.  By getting the bobcats attention with the visual attractor, you can get the bobcat to get
         within smelling range of your set.

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