
Summertime Baits/Lures

Posted By: Matt25

Summertime Baits/Lures - 07/03/20 12:27 AM

New to dirt holes and was curious if there are any baits/lures to use that work better in the summer months.

I'll be trapping in south Texas.
Posted By: Govtrapper

Re: Summertime Baits/Lures - 08/23/20 03:44 AM

Texas summer heat is very difficult. Dirt holes if you use them get them deep deep. An lures use very very little. Juat have to try some out to see which work for you
Posted By: KeeperOfTheCoons

Re: Summertime Baits/Lures - 08/23/20 03:02 PM

Once things for sure you might have some trouble with meat going bad or flys in them, as another said I would bury it deep because of that. Fruit such as a few apples laying around, jerked meat or dry grains will stay the longest in the heat, when compared to fresh meat, IMO. I've never really done it in the heat before.
Posted By: chicken1

Re: Summertime Baits/Lures - 08/24/20 07:45 PM

If you do want to use a bait, mixing in some borax helps keep bugs from ruining it. Good preservative too. Put it down deep. Smells the same but taste bad, so make it hard for the target to get to.
Posted By: Yes sir

Re: Summertime Baits/Lures - 08/24/20 08:30 PM

Originally Posted by chicken1
If you do want to use a bait, mixing in some borax helps keep bugs from ruining it. Good preservative too. Put it down deep. Smells the same but taste bad, so make it hard for the target to get to.

I've done some testing and can say with some confidence that coyotes can smell glycerin added to a bait. So unless you test it dont assume coyotes can't smell it just because you cant.
Posted By: chicken1

Re: Summertime Baits/Lures - 08/24/20 08:49 PM

Your right. It is my assumption and only that. I have had positive responses from bait with borax. I do not know if animals can smell it.
Posted By: Yes sir

Re: Summertime Baits/Lures - 08/24/20 08:56 PM

How I tested SB and glycerin was take a ground meat base and put plain meat down one hole and meat with the additive down another hole about a foot and a half away. If the coyotes consistently work one or the other harder I figure the additive can be detected.
Posted By: jrbb00

Re: Summertime Baits/Lures - 09/28/20 04:41 PM

I have trapped in South Texas and Central Texas for a bit now and have learned two main things. Great big flashy deep dirt holes work great and second everything from grasshoppers to coyotes will eat your bait and lure quickly. One thing I add to my dirt holes is left over egg shells for eye and smell appeal. Even after most of the bait has been eaten by the ants and bugs you still have a little smell and visual. If you are around high fences set snares at every crawl under, you will not be disappointed. Just make sure you let your neighbors know because nothing spoils a trapping area like catching something someone else has named.
Posted By: Golf ball

Re: Summertime Baits/Lures - 09/30/20 05:32 PM

Good advise their jrb ! I remember one of the western guys talking about using a chunk of rattle snake in a ziplock bag, rolled up with a couple holes punched in . This allows the smell to escape and the bugs are at least delayed from doing they’re thing .

My jagd wants to kill every snake it finds and then roll on the dead ones. For that reason I would keep it in a deep hole !
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