
The Shovels Are On Sale

Posted By: Paul Winkelmann

The Shovels Are On Sale - 05/03/15 04:02 PM

I am not making this up. I got the Menards ad today and you can buy a rake, a hoe, ( Not a Ho ) the shovel, I think they call it a

potato hoe, for $3.99. Who would ever guess that I could get a buck back on a $4.99 shovel. If you want to see a picture just bring

it up on the Menards site ads. They also have a 4 dollar rebate on hammers so your final cost is 89 cents. These are pretty decent

hammers if they're the same ones we have. They also have a 7x7x24 inch skunk cage on sale for $12.98. People buy these cages, catch

a skunk, and then call us because they don't know how to deal with it. The also have a rebate on Rustoleum and Rayovac batteries.

If you have any trouble finding anything, just let me know. I know where everything is. Their Glacier Mist drinking water is really

good too, but wait for a sale; $2.43 for 24 17 oz. bottles.
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