
Bat ?

Posted By: BigBob

Bat ? - 07/08/14 11:21 PM

Since Bats use Echo sounding to hunt, Has anyone ever built or tried some kind of "Noise Maker" to harass Bats from a location?
Posted By: HD_Wildlife

Re: Bat ? - 07/08/14 11:28 PM

BigBob, there are many sonic deterrents on the market, but most like those for gophers, moles, birds, either fail miserably or have an immediate effect but lose it a day or two in.

Plenty of guys on private islands due to these gizmos relaxing while we all toil away!


I know some folks who made one that comes from bat research field, and inline with what you mentioned it is meant to disrupt the ability to navigate a bit, enough to bother them into finding the next spot. They have been field testing and have had some positive results but don't sell it open market at this point.

The one thing folks should know is due to major wind turbine collision there are tons of folks racing to find a way to emit sounds to deter bats from getting near them as we speak. Though not our industry or application, the same technology could help once developed with things like Dan's barn case in the other thread.

Though important as well to remember that if someone plugged that unit in next to a maternity colony with pups, away go the adults and the pups would perish, so imagine trying to control such a technology if homeowners could buy it an employ it as they do all other gizmos on the shelf in home depot, lowes and online....

The wind turbine thing is pretty amazing and devastating to certain species who are being published as losing major numbers due to increase in this "green" technology. Raptors as well of course taking a heavy toll.

Off topic, sorry.....
Posted By: Dave Schmidt

Re: Bat ? - 07/09/14 04:04 PM

Wise answers, Justin.
I still have people asking me if the sonic/supersonic deterrents work. My standard answer is "They do great in their intended purpose: extracting money from the pockets of unsuspecting customers."
Those who have tried the silly things know the answer: they're useless.
Posted By: Paul Winkelmann

Re: Bat ? - 07/09/14 08:31 PM

There is a reason for this Dave, and I no longer blame the customers. The world is changing at such a rapid pace that people expect

their animal problems to be solved by science and industry like everything else. Lockheed/Martin builds the drones for the military.

I was told today that although drones may never be approved for many personal services by the FAA, it will be the biggest boon to

agriculture, maybe ever. So I guess if I were a customer, my question would be: "If a drone can pick out a single target and erase

it, why the heck can't you keep the bats outta my house?"
Posted By: BigBob

Re: Bat ? - 07/09/14 09:54 PM

Point taken about the pup's.
Even if the Government in it's infinite wisdom placed controls on such a device, I doubt the Chinks would be bothered by them and slam the country with some kind of units.
Posted By: HD_Wildlife

Re: Bat ? - 07/11/14 08:08 PM

House today had a single Yuma myotis bat right next to the speaker system, which I could audibly hear though barely.
He seemed downright relaxed in his protected corner even with that annoying high pitched whine!


Cha Ching, Cha Ching.....

I literally tell clients when they ask about plastic bird decoys and sonic emitters the following......

"Please just put the cost of X device in the mail to me and I'll put it in the bank. This will be the same benefit
to you as if you'd bought the device and installed it."

Always gets a smile... always! (oh, unless they already have 4 owls at $19.99 a piece up there, then it is uncomfortable silence...)
Posted By: warrior

Re: Bat ? - 07/11/14 09:39 PM

Justin, when I get asked I just tell them if it worked I'd have a truckload of them and would be selling the heck out of them. Since I ain't got none on the truck and I haven't tried to sell them one then to draw their own conclusion.
Posted By: HD_Wildlife

Re: Bat ? - 07/11/14 10:40 PM

I like that David,

I once thought about getting a stamp made of an owl with an X over it that I could stamp on the van for each pigeon job we resolved and removed one from, but I'm pretty sure it would have covered the van within the first year!

Posted By: Paul Winkelmann

Re: Bat ? - 07/12/14 12:14 AM

Oh you guys are so wrong! I have one side of my garage lined with owl and hawk decoys ( So, Okay, I didn't buy any of them ) but, I

have not had a single pigeon in my garage since I hung them there. Obviously they're doing their job.
Posted By: iayogi17

Re: Bat ? - 07/12/14 02:35 AM

Originally Posted By: Paul Winkelmann
Oh you guys are so wrong! I have one side of my garage lined with owl and hawk decoys ( So, Okay, I didn't buy any of them ) but, I

have not had a single pigeon in my garage since I hung them there. Obviously they're doing their job.

now that's sounds like some of my customers but for sum odd reason they still have a problem
Posted By: Lundy

Re: Bat ? - 07/12/14 03:13 AM

Paul, how many Pigeons did you have BEFORE the decoy's?

I shot a few when my Barn was up. It's been down for many years now and I haven't seen a Pigeon since.
Posted By: vcunn001

Re: Bat ? - 07/12/14 02:40 PM

I always use the railroad track scenario. If you moved next to a railroad track, you would here the train for a few days or maybe a week. Then one day you would realize the train has been going by three times a day and you never heard it. Same thing with all the wildlife repelling noise makers that line the shelves of the hardware stores.
Posted By: Paul Winkelmann

Re: Bat ? - 07/12/14 02:51 PM

Lundy, I didn't have any and now I'm trying to scare those ugly decoys out of my garage. I got a couple coyote decoys. Think that will work?

Vince, you will still be reminded that you live next to a railroad track when stuff falls off the shelf and hits you in the head.
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