
Customers: You Have Got To Love Them

Posted By: Paul Winkelmann

Customers: You Have Got To Love Them - 04/07/14 11:43 PM

I was all prepared to tell you guys about the greatest customer in the world. How he waits for me to pull in his driveway, admires my work, compliments me, and always has his payment ready for me. Well, sorry to say, he got beat out.

One of my techs got a job with a female raccoon and her litter in a dead end chimney. So he goes downstairs and some moron plumber decides to put the water heater right up against the ash door of that chimney. He attempts to use raccoon eviction fluid but even that isn't working.

So the customer gets as drunk as a skunk last night and decides that he is going to move the water heater. The downside is he broke every water heater connection and then some. On the bright side he made so much racket that Mrs. Raccoon grabbed all but one of her litter and left. And there was enough space for our tech to grab the last baby. You can't make this stuff up.

I also got a good one from a customer this evening. They didn't want their kids to know that they had a raccoon family in their attic so they didn't tell them. They called us and we set a cage on the roof. The kids come home from school and ask, "Mom, why do we have a shopping cart on our roof?"
Posted By: Dave Schmidt

Re: Customers: You Have Got To Love Them - 04/08/14 01:20 AM

"Well, Johnny, it's Mr. Winkie's magic shopping cart! Every morning it's full of nice, warm meat!
Posted By: randythetrapper

Re: Customers: You Have Got To Love Them - 04/09/14 05:14 PM

ha lol
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