
Two Years Ago Today....

Posted By: Robb Russell

Two Years Ago Today.... - 05/26/12 03:30 PM

Kirk Lapierre
Born-Aug 21, 1959
Died May 26, 2010

Two Years Ago today this industry lost a very special friend who impacted many lives including my own. Kirk Lapierre , few of his friends agreed with him all of the time but most of us agreed with him most of the time. Upon his death as a favor to the family I compiled a web site of all the media he share with me on The Wildlife Pro Network. Kirk was all about educating and his podcasts and videos are some of the most popular media Sites By Robb has online today.

His last act before he passed was driving in the 11th hour to Washington DC and delivering our concerns to the City Commissioners of Washington DC. The problem today in DC still looms over this industry and Kirk was an early proponent of stopping HSUS dead in their tracks


Some of these videos have taught many of us how to make money using his techniques.

How To Properly Remove A Bat From A Home

Squirrel Capture in a Passaic County New Jersey Basement

12 Dead Birds Removed From A Office Wall Space

How To Make A Ventilator Cover – Kirk Lapierre Video
Posted By: Mike Flick

Re: Two Years Ago Today.... - 05/26/12 04:04 PM

Celebrate the way he lived, and be happy for him that he left his mark on the world the way he wanted to. Thanks to you Robb, he is immortalised.
Posted By: Robb Russell

Re: Two Years Ago Today.... - 05/26/12 04:10 PM

Originally Posted By: Mike Flick
Thanks to you Robb, he is immortalised.

Mike you have gone a long way from being a "bucksnort" yourself. Kirk was a good friend and mentor and dearly missed by many!

Posted By: ProLine

Re: Two Years Ago Today.... - 05/26/12 07:48 PM

Some days a person could never say enough and the next day nothing should be said, LOL
Kirk push to create our National Goose Management Company and it did good things than we could not work together and it did good things. The last Picture you posted was one of the early trips to Indy that inspired his goose management training and business. I will be putting on one more NGM goose training this year for a limited number of folks, it will be fun to revisit some of the classes he and I put together.

Thanks Rob
Posted By: Phil Nichols

Re: Two Years Ago Today.... - 05/26/12 08:03 PM

There was never a dull moment. The old Indian saying "he was a human being."
Posted By: Robb Russell

Re: Two Years Ago Today.... - 05/27/12 01:49 AM




I have the entire 1 hour and fourty three minute podcast transcribed by a real world court reporter. I will probably be releasing this in its entirety later on this year to help his widow, Aileen Lapierre, CWCP

Here are a few words straight from his mouth:
Robb Russell : How much geese work do you do,
Kirk Lapierre : We're pretty much dedicated --
Robb Russell : I mean, I know you talked about
it, but a percentage-wise?
Kirk Lapierre : -- all summer.
As far as income goes, probably about 25 percent of
our business.
Robb Russell : Yeah?
Kirk Lapierre : Yeah, because it's chunky
money. You know, I coined that term a long time ago.
I like those kind of jobs that pay a big fee for a --
I don't mean for a less effort, but I mean for a fast
service. Like I can do several round-ups in one day
and basically make a month's income, you know, compared
to when you're talking about squirrels and raccoons and
all that.
Robb Russell : Right.
Kirk Lapierre : It's a good market for it. But
we switched our business strictly to round-ups. We
don't do the harassment anymore. We retired the dogs
and sold off all the other equipment or gave it away,
so it's just strictly round-ups now.
Robb Russell : How do you convince the people
that they need to round them up?
Kirk Lapierre : They contact us when they've
been through everything else. When they've done all
the happy nonsense from Geese Peace and they've spent
the tens and tens of thousands of dollars on all the
harassment techniques only to have their geese still
there or to come back once they're done, and that's --
we service them at their point of frustration. You
know, and we don't even try to advertise or prospect
them. We're pretty much known that we're a company
that will take them out.
You know, all the other companies are still
trying to sell harassment, and they are. And you know,
we've had jobs that have gone for four or five years
with doing harassment until they finally either get a
new mayor or a new CEO or a new homeowner president,
you know, or something like that that says enough is
enough. Look at the books. It usually comes down to a
financial thing. You know, their problem is not 100
percent resolved, if at all, and they want an end to
Mike Flick : I'm going to try that goose round-up
thing this year in San Diego and Los Angeles with feral
Mike Flick : How do you round up geese? How do
you round them up basically? I mean, is this a call or
is this like a corralling and netting?

Kirk Lapierre : If you guys don't mind changing
the subject, I know you were on exclusion, I wouldn't
mind talking about geese.
Mike Flick : Talk about geese. Talk.
Kirk Lapierre : Okay. There's the basics for
the round-ups. The basics comes down to this:
You can do it -- the majority of the time that it's
done is during the summer molt, June through -- mid
June through mid July. The geese loose their flight
feathers and they're grounded.
Robb Russell : Right.
Kirk Lapierre : And then you just round them up
like cattle. You know, it's --
Mike Flick : That's what I do with mallard ducks
Kirk Lapierre : Sure. And it can be done with
muscovy. It can be done with --
Mike Flick : Right.
Kirk Lapierre : I've even seen it done with,
you know, with domestic ducks, and there was one of the
guys here in Jersey even did it with a bunch of
roosters that were roosting on a property, you know, a
several-acre property of woods and was able to corral
up a bunch of roosters that were waking up everybody
every day.
The thing with geese is you can do it when
they're flying too, it's just a much slower process.
You can't spook them because they don't want to fly.
Mike Flick : Right.
Kirk Lapierre : They would much rather be on
the ground. But the general way of doing round-ups is
during the molt, and that's the highest time of the
year to do it and what's nice is because you need a
crew of people that are dedicated to doing it, and if
you can put together a week or even two weeks like we
like to do of nothing but round-ups and you don't
schedule any other type of work, you can keep your crew
during that period, than trying to break it up, you
know, can I do one this week, can I do one next week,
and to get those people back together again, because we
like to work with other companies and folks that are,
let's say they may even work part-time for the
government or something, or we'll use the staff of the
town, their maintenance staff, et cetera, so we can get
those jobs scheduled all in that short period of time.
The two secrets to rounding up is be where you
don't want them to go. In other words, form a human
wall. And it doesn't take much, flapping your arms,
waiving your hat, you know, just being in front of
them. If you don't want them to go a certain way, be
Now, if you do want them to go somewhere,
don't be there. So their corral would be the point of
exit for them. They see right through the netting, so
they don't realize that it's a physical structure
that's going to confine them. I've seen people make
mistakes and back their trailers right up to those
corrals. You know, to them that's like walking into a
building. They're not going to go anywhere near the
corral. So it's completely clear. Nobody can be
around it. And you just get to the sides and behind
them and shoo them, you know.
They speak in a sign language very similar to
let's say wolves and all dog species. You know, there
is certain hand signals and body movements, head
movements, arm movements that they recognize as part of
their language, so if you can imitate that -- and there
is literature that's out there and we have that, too,
that we can put out for the industry if you'd ever like
to see it that the geese more or less do understand.
And going slow, when you bend over they get a
little more panicked because it looks more like a
predatory move. Putting your arms out, again, is a
more of an aggressive predatory move and they'll move
even quicker, you know, or they'll do what you want
them to do that way.
Making a lot of noise, moving very quickly
will only spook them and then you'll get what's called
a break, and that's the worst thing that can happen to
you, when they split and instead of following that mob
mentality and following the leader, they'll break and
run in every direction.
So you just take it very slow. You be where
you don't want them to go. You know where your corral
is and you surround them until you get to the point
where they're committed to following their leader who
is making a B-line for that corral area. And once they
get in there and they start hitting that netting, the
rest of them will just -- you know, it's a dog pile on
a rabbit at that point.
They just all pile in and everybody has their
own specific job, their own specific area. Some folks
are in the back that are ready just to catch any ones
that may run, you know, that do break away. Some folks
-- one person in particular is assigned to closing the
gate on the corral. So everybody knows what their job
is beforehand, but it's very easy to teach people how
to do it. And once they're in the corral, you know, at
that point then they can be removed from the corral and
put into the trailers.

Mike Flick : So how thick and how high and what
do you make the corral out of?
Posted By: Dave Schmidt

Re: Two Years Ago Today.... - 06/07/12 07:04 PM

One of a kind. Kirk poured more of his time and efforts into this industry than most of us will ever know.
Posted By: Robb Russell

Re: Two Years Ago Today.... - 06/12/12 06:52 PM

Two years ago this Friday my good friend Bob Evans passed away. He did 100 or so podcasts for The Wildlife Pro Network. Like Kirk Lapierre, Bob Evans was one of my mentors who passed just 2 weeks after one another.

The reason there ever was a Wildlife Pro Network was because of Bob Evans, CWCP and his generous time and guidance for making sure NWCO's had access on the internet to subject matter experts willing to share their knowledge about topics related to nuisance wildlife control and bee removal. He was saying back in 2006 that it was time for no more black eyes for animal trapping industry and seen a need to get the right guidance for an industry that many believed was full of questionable, rogue characters. It was The Wildlife Pro Network's mission then to educate and get the right word out. Bob was one of our first teachers who was a regular in the first two and one half years of our podcasts.

It was a big blow to lose both Bob and Kirk so close together. I had some interesting podcasts following their deaths one of them was something like "sipping whiskey and talking moles". The whole podcast program had a big hole ripped through it when these two guys passed on.

I am thankful today for the help and guidance from David McLeod, David Schmidt, Mike Flick and a very involved teacher Ron Jones who is running the National Wildlife Control Training Podcasts for the rest of this year.

Posted By: trapperpaw

Re: Two Years Ago Today.... - 06/13/12 03:03 AM

I never new Bob but he looks and sounds like an individual and I like indiviauals. Robb thanks for all of your contributions to this industry and your fellow man. You have become an individual yourself.
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