
WOW Biden talks German Leader died 2017

Posted By: snowy

WOW Biden talks German Leader died 2017 - 02/08/24 03:10 PM

Don't hear the blunders from the three big news outlets but true, I listened to it coming from his mouth.
Posted By: Trapper7

Re: WOW Biden talks German Leader died 2017 - 02/08/24 03:17 PM

Just before that he couldn't remember the name Hamas, called them the opposition as he fumbled and bungled trying to think of who they were. Took a reporter to remind him Hamas was the word he couldn't seem to find.
Posted By: snowy

Re: WOW Biden talks German Leader died 2017 - 02/08/24 04:02 PM

Originally Posted by Trapper7
Just before that he couldn't remember the name Hamas, called them the opposition as he fumbled and bungled trying to think of who they were. Took a reporter to remind him Hamas was the word he couldn't seem to find.

Yep!!!! Lol

The sad thing is the majority of voters never hear about these things because they watch and have tunnel vision for the three big networks. The people of this country watch those news outlets and people don't get all the news they should hear.

I can see why he refuses to debate trump it would be a dagger in him and the big three would have a hard time not having news about that debate.
Posted By: Osky

Re: WOW Biden talks German Leader died 2017 - 02/08/24 05:33 PM

Originally Posted by snowy
Originally Posted by Trapper7
Just before that he couldn't remember the name Hamas, called them the opposition as he fumbled and bungled trying to think of who they were. Took a reporter to remind him Hamas was the word he couldn't seem to find.

Yep!!!! Lol

The sad thing is the majority of voters never hear about these things because they watch and have tunnel vision for the three big networks. The people of this country watch those news outlets and people don't get all the news they should hear.

I can see why he refuses to debate trump it would be a dagger in him and the big three would have a hard time not having news about that debate.

It’s very simple. People refuse to believe because that would mean they have been wrong in previous thinking. Vanity is rampant in America.
It’s the same for all the parents who won’t reprimand their children when it’s needed. To do that they would have admit they have been lax in one way or another raising the child. People make it all about themselves, right, wrong, and the children be damed. Introspection has long ago faded away.

Posted By: randall brannon

Re: WOW Biden talks German Leader died 2017 - 02/08/24 05:53 PM

Yet this smae Demented LIAR will claim that inflation is lower than ever and that 4 dollar a gallon gasoline is cheaper now than under Trump and LIBTURDS BELIEVE HIM!!!
Posted By: yotetrapper30

Re: WOW Biden talks German Leader died 2017 - 02/08/24 07:14 PM

What kind of a heartless woman his wife must be to allow them to keep parading around her husband with advanced alzheimer's like this.

Isn't there a way to force a mental wellness test on the President? I thought there was?
Posted By: Osky

Re: WOW Biden talks German Leader died 2017 - 02/08/24 08:31 PM

Originally Posted by yotetrapper30
What kind of a heartless woman his wife must be to allow them to keep parading around her husband with advanced alzheimer's like this.

Isn't there a way to force a mental wellness test on the President? I thought there was?

I’ve said here before, who cares about term limits? If all those so-called leaders in Washington had to do cognitive testing mandatory BEFORE being allowed to take office and periodically during their terms we would not need term limits nor have half the problems we get from Washington.
All sides of the isle, all positions.

Good folks here like James may argue people are free to elect anyone they want. True. However when the job entails ALL the peoples money and what’s done with it regardless of who got your vote, any and all should have to prove proficiency in the job.
Wouldn’t hurt if they had to prove some basic math knowledge as well, oh I don’t know maybe something like how to balance a checkbook?

Posted By: Squash

Re: WOW Biden talks German Leader died 2017 - 02/08/24 09:47 PM

Next he will meet with Abraham Lincoln to learn how to re-unite the country.
Posted By: Scuba1

Re: WOW Biden talks German Leader died 2017 - 02/08/24 09:58 PM

Originally Posted by yotetrapper30
What kind of a heartless woman his wife must be to allow them to keep parading around her husband with advanced alzheimer's like this.

Isn't there a way to force a mental wellness test on the President? I thought there was?

Only if the president is republican. Being a moron is a prerequisite to get the job as president on the DEM side ..... Dementia, Democrat ..... Potato, Potato What difference does it make ?
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