
Beaver lard cooking

Posted By: Jkme

Beaver lard cooking - 01/03/24 01:22 AM

Anyone render beaver lard for cooking? I always render my waterfowl and bears I shoot which is all I use in the kitchen for cooking. I put out a beaver set today that I expect to connect on tomorrow. I'm planning on making beaver roast for supper, and got to thinking about the fat use. What's the rendered fat like for cooking for those that have tried it?
Posted By: tlguy

Re: Beaver lard cooking - 01/03/24 01:26 AM

I tried rendering some beaver fat once, I figured it would solidify like bear fat but it stayed a liquid. I planned on using it as an attractant, not for food. My Coleman camp stove still smells like beaver!
Posted By: loosanarrow

Re: Beaver lard cooking - 01/03/24 02:33 AM

I think it Marsayda who said that beaver fat is unusual in that it does not sustain the beaver through times of scarce food. Beavers have to find food to survive long even if they have thick fat. It is mostly an insulation. Not really relevant to rendering it, but it would not be surprising if the beaver fat had other unusual properties based on that info.
Posted By: bfisch

Re: Beaver lard cooking - 01/03/24 04:16 AM

I have rendered it and used it to dip dry meat or jerky in. It is nearly liquid even when kept refrigerated. I came to the conclusion it was too rich for my body. I can handle rendered bear fat, but beaver just goes right through me. I still eat a little of the fat though when it is cooked on the meat.
Posted By: Trapper Dahlgren

Re: Beaver lard cooking - 01/03/24 10:34 AM

I've never seen, enough fat on a beaver to bother with,
Posted By: cotton

Re: Beaver lard cooking - 01/03/24 11:17 AM

the fat here on a beaver stinks like oil sacks and maybe a bit of castor,
clean all the fat off the meat for even small ones before cooking so don't think i want any beaver lard.
Posted By: wannabe1

Re: Beaver lard cooking - 01/03/24 11:28 AM

I ate some biscuits once offered by folks who live in very remote BC (fly in only)...they tasted just a little bit like willow smoke,,,I had to wonder but never asked them if if it was beaver lard....the Indians once fed me smoked beaver meat,,,very oily but tasted fine and rich...
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