
Bob Gilman

Posted By: Mike Crawford

Bob Gilman - 09/22/23 04:58 PM

[Linked Image]

I started reading this book for the umpteenth time. I picked it up at the little store in Summer Lake for $10 and a case of beer. Mr….maybe someone knows his name- he’s been the store owner since I started camping in the area in ‘98- was asking $15. Felt like I got a steal. Lol.

I didn’t have the honor of meeting Mr. Gilman in person,only via snail mail when I was 15. I always felt he was a good fellow, responding to my letters the way he did.

I’d like to hear the stories from folks who knew and spent time with him. I’m sure not all of the stories are in his book.

For those that haven’t read his book, I would highly recommend it.
Posted By: H2ORat

Re: Bob Gilman - 09/22/23 05:12 PM

Eedup -- (Dean Bartz) is in his book -- I'm sure he would have a story or two. I have only read the book twice -- enjoyed it.
Posted By: wissmiss

Re: Bob Gilman - 09/22/23 05:52 PM

I knew Bob Gilman personally. Meet him in the late 1970s or early 1980s through OTC and Oregon Trappers Association.

His son and my son were the same age, born a few weeks apart.

Not exactly a story but an interesting antidote - when I first met him (and his wife), he went by Robert (not Bob). His wife went by Judith (not Judy). He wouldn’t correct you about what his name was, but when he introduced himself, he always clearly stated his name as ‘Robert’. Not sure when he started going by ‘Bob’.

He was not only a good trapper but a hard worker for the trappers of Oregon. Served as President of OTA for a number of years and spent lots of time testifying at hearings and legislative sessions.

Gone too soon. He is missed.
Posted By: eedup

Re: Bob Gilman - 09/23/23 11:15 AM

Pm sent
Posted By: newhouse114

Re: Bob Gilman - 09/23/23 03:12 PM

Bob was a great guy, did wonders for Oregon trappers. I also met him the first time in the late 70’s. He asked me to trap bears for him one spring but I was swamped with orders for my artwork so it didn’t work out. It was a great loss to the trapping community when Bob passed.
Posted By: beartooth trapr

Re: Bob Gilman - 09/23/23 05:25 PM

Good Read
Posted By: beaverpeeler

Re: Bob Gilman - 09/23/23 07:01 PM

If it were not for Bob Gilman trapping in our state would be totally different...we would be in the same shape as Washington, a cage only state. Bob pushed me (and others) to work for our common good during two different anti-trapping ballot measures. Where he really shined was his ability to bring different groups together. MY belief is that it was this that made the difference when we were up against what seemed to be insurmountable odds. Without him convincing private forestry to step up financially we would have been sunk. Nobody else was as well positioned or as smooth to have accomplished that.

Bob was a great trapper and it surprised the heck out of me when he ended up being the high bidder for a beaver trapping trip (avec moi) for a OTC fundraiser. He was keenly interested in seeing how I trapped beaver. A great trapper in his own right, he was very humble about always wanting to expand his knowledge and learn from others. A trait that is somewhat uncommon for experienced trappers. Including myself.

Here's a Bob trapping story for you:

I was targeting otter on the Umpqua river and apparently I was on the same stretch of river as Bob...who was also targeting otter! We each had a different go-to set for otter. His was blind setting all the little rivulets of water that entered the main river with underwater conibears. Mine was setting up toilets. After comparing notes we each ended up with about the same otter take.

And finally, Bob was extremely interested in the history of trapping in our area. He had many rare and hard to acquire books on the history if the mountain man era for our state. An interest that we shared.
The following pic is a Hudson Bay era hand forged trap from Fort Vancouver that another trapper discovered in a cache at Siuslaw Falls and later was gifted to Bob. His family still has it.

[Linked Image]
Posted By: OKforester

Re: Bob Gilman - 09/24/23 01:36 AM

I just got back from Corvallis/Albany area this morning. First time to go to the PNW. Good looking country once you get out of the cities. I will defiantly have to get my hands on one of his books, if anyone knows a source please pm me.
Posted By: Mike Cope

Re: Bob Gilman - 09/24/23 05:12 PM

For the books, Contact eedup ( Dean Bartz ) I know he has some.
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