
small town beggers on street

Posted By: west river rogue

small town beggers on street - 08/26/23 07:20 PM

last 2 weeks in central ohio I have gone to Marion to rural king and see a woman both weeks with 3 kids on corner by aldi grocery begging for money. 1 is in a new stroller. Today she is dressed to the 9"s in nice summer dress. waving at all passersby. Same tricks I saw in s.e. Asia. Katty corner in front of rural king 2 very dark complected men with baby in stroller doing same. These people werent Americans im sure. Never thought I would see that here.
Posted By: DanN

Re: small town beggers on street - 08/26/23 07:39 PM

Here they play violins out the back of pretty new mini Van's with thousands of dollars of speakers and equipment and beg for money. But the best part is they are faking the playing of the violin- it's all pre recorded music from a sound system. Yet there are always people approaching them throwing money in their bucket.
Posted By: charles

Re: small town beggers on street - 08/26/23 07:44 PM

Asheville just passed some restrictive ordinances. For example, no begging on public highways. If a beggar is on a sidewalk, once someone says no to the beggar, the beggar may not approach within eight feet. These rules are about a week old. Time will tell if anything changes. I think beggars will need baskets on long poles to comply.
Posted By: AntiGov

Re: small town beggers on street - 08/26/23 07:53 PM

The people who like to pat themselves on the back by giving to pan handlers should get a big fat fine
Posted By: mad_mike

Re: small town beggers on street - 08/26/23 08:06 PM

Saw a fellow begging for change outside of our local Fred Meyer’s. I rolled down the window and asked if he had applied at that grocery store. Dude swore me up and down.
Posted By: IdahoRoger

Re: small town beggers on street - 08/26/23 09:20 PM

I watched a beggar working a stop light next to a Hardee's one time. I was eating lunch in my truck and saw him walk across the parking lot at the end of his "shift" and leave in his new truck.
Posted By: run

Re: small town beggers on street - 08/26/23 09:26 PM

There's a beggar in the one stop light town of Shenandoah, VA . Welcome to the hood, west River rouge!
Posted By: Cragar

Re: small town beggers on street - 08/26/23 09:29 PM

One thing I do when asked for money etc is to reply that I am unemployed.

It works every time.

Also learned a tip from a friend who is a smoker. Someone sees you with a cigarette they will try to mooch one. He carried two packs , one with one cigarette and another with the rest. When asked he would show the pack with one cigarette and tell them he had one left. It worked good , saved him a lot of money from moochers.
Posted By: west river rogue

Re: small town beggers on street - 08/26/23 09:39 PM

Originally Posted by run
There's a beggar in the one stop light town of Shenandoah, VA . Welcome to the hood, west River rouge!

Posted By: west river rogue

Re: small town beggers on street - 08/26/23 09:44 PM

Happened to me once in spearfish S. D. After mines closed outside walmart about 2003. I had just bought food. I gave him a loaf of bread and peanut butter. Never give money
Posted By: Gary Benson

Re: small town beggers on street - 08/26/23 10:10 PM

Just keep walking like they're not there.
I saw a gal in Walmart parking lot riding a Walmart scooter around the parking lot hitting up people loading groceries in their car.
Posted By: Gary Benson

Re: small town beggers on street - 08/26/23 10:13 PM

I saw public-funded firemen in Fayetteville AR begging money in the streets with a fire engine parked along the street.
Posted By: waggler

Re: small town beggers on street - 08/26/23 10:32 PM

If you don't provide feed and habitat you won't have vermin; just sayin'.
Posted By: Guss

Re: small town beggers on street - 08/26/23 10:45 PM

There are scams people use because either their lazy or a drunk or druggie. You don't know who really needs help.
Posted By: jalstat

Re: small town beggers on street - 08/26/23 10:58 PM

Had a man and woman going into Rural King lot holding a sign for money for food they had a dandy jack russel with them . When I got done pulled up to them they came to the truck I had a 100 dollar bill they thought I was going to give them but when I said I want the dog that was the end . Long story short they were professional beggars
Posted By: west river rogue

Re: small town beggers on street - 08/26/23 11:01 PM

I absolutely refuse to help illegals as they knew they were illegal coming. I knew it was going on. Wondered how long it would take to hit us here.
Posted By: DelawareRob

Re: small town beggers on street - 08/26/23 11:03 PM

I was checking gas pumps about 10 years ago. Had one of the pan handlers come up to me and ask, I said, “hey, I saw how many people gave you money in the couple hours I was there, I was going to ask you for a few dollars” he laughed and said he has been “working” that area for a few years and makes about $150-$200 a day… all tax free.

If people feel good giving them money, I say good for them.

And if the “pan handler” is enjoying themselves getting some tax free money, good for them also.
Posted By: Gary Benson

Re: small town beggers on street - 08/26/23 11:18 PM

The most aggressive one I've seen was in Taos, NM.
The smoothest was at a truck stop in Tennessee.
Posted By: west river rogue

Re: small town beggers on street - 08/26/23 11:19 PM

We never had a problem here. This is all illegals.
Posted By: CTRAPS

Re: small town beggers on street - 08/27/23 01:07 AM

Originally Posted by AntiGov
The people who like to pat themselves on the back by giving to pan handlers should get a big fat fine

Yes, its akin to feeding a feral cat.
Posted By: randall brannon

Re: small town beggers on street - 08/27/23 05:41 AM

I had one hit me up just a few weeks ago. I told him that I would give him 150.00 if he helped me load my Pick up and trailer. He refused. Actually I paid a neighbor to do it after the panhandler tried to rob me.
Posted By: KeithC

Re: small town beggers on street - 08/27/23 05:44 AM

Originally Posted by west river rogue
last 2 weeks in central ohio I have gone to Marion to rural king and see a woman both weeks with 3 kids on corner by aldi grocery begging for money. 1 is in a new stroller. Today she is dressed to the 9"s in nice summer dress. waving at all passersby. Same tricks I saw in s.e. Asia. Katty corner in front of rural king 2 very dark complected men with baby in stroller doing same. These people werent Americans im sure. Never thought I would see that here.

Marion has been a craphole ever since the Mafia left it. The Mafia kept all the petty criminals and people that preyed on the old, women and children run out of town.

Posted By: Vinke

Re: small town beggers on street - 08/27/23 05:53 AM

Best sign lately

Goldfish died
Need money for funeral
Posted By: TurkeyWrangler

Re: small town beggers on street - 08/27/23 06:39 AM

Last year they were in every town around. Mostly white but some foreign. I saw the violin trick once, done by foreigners. After reading this thread I realized I haven't seen any in a long time. Not sure if laws were passed or they just figured out there ain't no money in this area.
Posted By: jalstat

Re: small town beggers on street - 08/27/23 08:24 AM

The ones I see here are almost always whites and usually the same ones at different places
Posted By: west river rogue

Re: small town beggers on street - 08/27/23 09:03 AM

Originally Posted by KeithC
Originally Posted by west river rogue
last 2 weeks in central ohio I have gone to Marion to rural king and see a woman both weeks with 3 kids on corner by aldi grocery begging for money. 1 is in a new stroller. Today she is dressed to the 9"s in nice summer dress. waving at all passersby. Same tricks I saw in s.e. Asia. Katty corner in front of rural king 2 very dark complected men with baby in stroller doing same. These people werent Americans im sure. Never thought I would see that here.

Marion has been a craphole ever since the Mafia left it. The Mafia kept all the petty criminals and people that preyed on the old, women and children run out of town.


It has, but it is was a craphole without foreign beggers scamming on the streets! Still known as little Chicago. Its about like dayton or west Columbus now. Now its a whole new ballgame. Thank God I dont live nearby.
Posted By: James

Re: small town beggers on street - 08/27/23 10:07 AM

A few times, in downtown Anchorage where I recognized the regulars, I'd respond to a panhandler's request for money with, "Why don't YOU give ME ten dollars?"

It always sets them back a moment. Sometimes they'll swear at you and slink off, like they're embarrassed.

Then there are the ones that stand their ground, while you walk away, and swear at you until you've left them behind.

Then was the guy who followed me down the street, not cursing, but yelling and arguing at me. I'd offended his dignity. I didn't know how hard it is to have to beg for money. This was a real pro, dedicated to his profession... and I offended his dignity. I probably also offended his beggarly sense of competence. I think it became a matter of professional pride for him to extract ten bucks from me.

He never did cross over to my side of the street. I was lucky he was sane and not drug-addled. He broke off his pursuit when I reached the federal building at my appointed hour. The last thing I heard behind me, before the door closed and cut him off, was, "Oh, you're a LAWYER! One of them ARSEHOLE LAWYERS!"

So that went on for several days, until that case concluded anyway. Every time he saw me he'd start in with, "You're that ARSEHOLE LAWYER!" and he'd follow me as far as he could. See, that's how I knew he was a pro: he was careful not to violate a law or get close enough that I could accuse him of intimidation. He had me and he knew it. He was just a beggar...he was allowed to yell things. People expected it. I was the only one embarrassed by these encounters.

Pretty soon, I found a different route to the federal building. And that is how I learned my lesson: Don't trifle with beggars.

I'm not kidding now: Whoever said to ignore them and walk on by hit a homer. This is the safest course, legally and otherwise. If they resort to threats or intimidation, it's a different ball game, but otherwise don't trifle with them.

Posted By: west river rogue

Re: small town beggers on street - 08/27/23 10:12 AM

Originally Posted by James
A few times, in downtown Anchorage where I recognized the regulars, I'd respond to a panhandler's request for money with, "Why don't YOU give ME ten dollars?"

It always sets them back a moment. Sometimes they'll swear at you and slink off, like they're embarrassed.

Then there are the ones that stand their ground, while you walk away, and swear at you until you've left them behind.

Then was the guy who followed me down the street, not cursing, but yelling and arguing at me. I'd offended his dignity. I didn't know how hard it is to have to beg for money. This was a real pro, dedicated to his profession... and I offended his dignity. I probably also offended his beggarly sense of competence. I think it became a matter of professional pride for him to extract ten bucks from me.

He never did cross over to my side of the street. I was lucky he was sane and not drug-addled. He broke off his pursuit when I reached the federal building at my appointed hour. The last thing I heard behind me, before the door closed and cut him off, was, "Oh, you're a LAWYER! One of them ARSEHOLE LAWYERS!"

So that went on for several days, until that case concluded anyway. Every time he saw me he'd start in with, "You're that ARSEHOLE LAWYER!" and he'd follow me as far as he could. See, that's how I knew he was a pro: he was careful not to violate a law or get close enough that I could accuse him of intimidation. He had me and he knew it. He was just a beggar...he was allowed to yell things. People expected it. I was the only one embarrassed by these encounters.

Pretty soon, I found a different route to the federal building. And that is how I learned my lesson: Don't trifle with beggars.

I'm not kidding now: Whoever said to ignore them and walk on by hit a homer. This is the safest course, legally and otherwise. If they resort to threats or intimidation, it's a different ball game, but otherwise don't trifle with them.


Yep Jim you"re correct. I learned that in the Philippines many yrs ago. Just walk on by and pay them no mind.
Posted By: west river rogue

Re: small town beggers on street - 08/27/23 10:14 AM

Originally Posted by CTRAPS
Originally Posted by AntiGov
The people who like to pat themselves on the back by giving to pan handlers should get a big fat fine

Yes, its akin to feeding a feral cat.

Where I lived in Philippines there was actually a law against giving them money! (never enforced)
Posted By: run

Re: small town beggers on street - 08/27/23 06:36 PM

The beggar in Shenandoah, VA is a white female (I think).
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