
Which State Would It Be ....?

Posted By: Pest's Dad

Which State Would It Be ....? - 05/12/23 09:01 PM

Which state would (Might?) it be where they are only allowed to use cage traps. And they have Peccaries, please? My gut ~ and what's left of my memory! ~ seems to think Arizona?

Just in case; I should point out that this was the situation twenty years ago.

Thanks smile
Posted By: warrior

Re: Which State Would It Be ....? - 05/12/23 09:04 PM

Colorado is cage only, iirc.
Posted By: Law Dog

Re: Which State Would It Be ....? - 05/12/23 09:17 PM

AZ on public
Posted By: Pest's Dad

Re: Which State Would It Be ....? - 05/12/23 09:49 PM

Urrrgh!!! Thanks, guys. Now that's Really done for me, hasn't it?

Could it have been Colorado???

See; The Dog stipulates Public Land? I just have this dim recollection of something very much like, " We're only allowed to use cages here (now?) " Though, I suppose someone would say that. Because, to anyone in our age group, that would have been a 'new' thing. I can't envisage Any state having such a law, fifty years ago.

Dunno. Wouldn't someone have said something more like, 'We're only allowed cages on public land.'? See, now, I have no concept of what your " Public Land " even is.

And, I'm pretty sure, if that term had been mentioned, I'd ~ quite naturally ~ have said, like; " What is this 'Public Land' thing, mate? " Then, I know, wouldn't I? LOL! And I don't.

Colorado? Colorado River. (In a place called Boulder, on the wild Colorado ... grin) Colorado River Toads. I'm quite sure they're also known as something Desert Toads. " Sonoran "?

Forgive me ~ and my complete ignorance of much of ye geography. I'm just trying to bounce all this around in my head. Fit a couple of nebulous glimpses of memory into what might be the right setting.

Peccaries. (Scary, hateful little things! Yes, I too saw " Old Yeller ") I remember shuddering at the mention of the fact they had Them there.

I also get that sort of polished wooden furniture. Chairs, sort of square and low. Wide arms. Again, forgive me ~ not wishing to stereotype. But, that " High Chaparral " sort of thing going on. And nice Throws on them. Again, with that ~ what would it be called? Something between what the uninformed might take a stab at being of " Indian / Mexican " style.

Any of that any help to anyone, please?
Posted By: Monster Toms

Re: Which State Would It Be ....? - 05/12/23 10:34 PM

No Peccary in Colorado but yes we are cage only, along with AZ and WA.
Posted By: Pest's Dad

Re: Which State Would It Be ....? - 05/12/23 11:23 PM

Originally Posted by Monster Toms
No Peccary in Colorado .....

Ha! Thanks, 'Toms. I don't even know where " WA " is. But, it certainly rings no bells. So, if they have The Hogs of Hades in Arizona? That's got to be it, surely?

Excellent! grin Thank you, gentlemen! That's a mega major part of my puzzle sorted now.

So; I have my haystack. Think I'll give my mind a rest now. It could be some hunt, next. And there's no guarantee the needle's even in there any more frown

Oh well; Gone midnight, where I am. Had a long, hard day. I'll sleep on my next move. Wish me luck! wink

Thanks, again!
Posted By: Jingles

Re: Which State Would It Be ....? - 05/13/23 02:44 AM

No pic caries in WA but cage/live traps only unless WCO
Posted By: Lugnut

Re: Which State Would It Be ....? - 05/13/23 10:30 AM

I believe it's cage only in NJ.
Posted By: Rat_Pack

Re: Which State Would It Be ....? - 05/13/23 12:11 PM

Originally Posted by Lugnut
I believe it's cage only in NJ.

Cages, bodygrips, cables, dog proofs are OK with restrictions...footholds are prohibited
Posted By: bearcat2

Re: Which State Would It Be ....? - 05/13/23 12:17 PM

It'd be Arizona for peccaries out of the cage only states. And they most likely wouldn't have mentioned "on public land" because generally out west public land is where everyone hunts and traps, so making something illegal on public land is generally viewed as making it illegal, no qualifiers, since that is where the majority of people do all their hunting and trapping.
Posted By: Lugnut

Re: Which State Would It Be ....? - 05/13/23 02:13 PM

Originally Posted by Rat_Pack
Originally Posted by Lugnut
I believe it's cage only in NJ.

Cages, bodygrips, cables, dog proofs are OK with restrictions...footholds are prohibited

That's what I meant, I just didn't elaborate as well as you did. I've been told that in NJ, it is illegal even to own or possess a foothold trap.
Posted By: Pest's Dad

Re: Which State Would It Be ....? - 05/14/23 01:37 AM

Thanks, Bearcat. Looking at it? I guess that was a stroke of pure luck, that my man ever even mentioned those horrible things. In all honesty? Without that one clue? I'd have been stuck with a vague memory of a piece of a living room, which could simply have been furnished to a personal taste. Or have been reasonably acceptable, probably, across a vast swathe of US!

Been ridiculously busy, again, all day. Practically forgotten I'd even made this post. About to turn in, now. But, I'll try to use what I've now garnered, here, to guide my next move.

Lugnut; Noo Joysee? (Yeah, The Sopranos has a Lot to answer for! I know they don't All talk like that there ... Do they? grin) Had a mate there too. Seem to remember he was mightily cheesed off about the foothold law.

Reminded me of some place in Europe. Can't be sure where it was / is, now. Come to that? Can't even remember what the problem was. But, there was some Stringent stuff going down! Possibly more to do with the actual using of traps, rather than pure possession?

Hm. Now I think about it? I was thinking it was Holland. I once got a Gear trap from where ever this place was. It was welded shut. Remember hearing that was commonly done, so they couldn't come after ye for using it. (And they Would come. Really quite seriously!)

But, I also remember a mate, out there, actually setting a gear trap. As in opening its jaws, in his kitchen, to see what they were all about. Ridiculously powerful trap, apparently. This being one of the Big ones. It didn't go well.

Know that nightmare scenario, when ye get the jaws so far apart ~ then ye realise ye've done messed up. Can't figure out how to 'set' the thing (No dog, as such, on a Gear) and ye arms are weakening by the second? LM*O! It got ' emotional '. He had to call for his wife ..... ROFL! Never forgot that! laugh
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