

Posted By: Supergoose

Rhubarb - 07/12/22 11:56 PM

Four cups rhubarb
Some sugar ( too what you like )
Sprinkle of cinnamon
Sprinkle or nutmeg
Sprinkle of allspice

Boil down to the consistency you want…..pour of ice cream or eat straight……fantastic

Think they call it stewed rhubarb ???
Posted By: Nittany Lion

Re: Rhubarb - 07/13/22 12:18 AM

Rhubarb pie is a treat that is hard to beat.
Posted By: TurkeyTime

Re: Rhubarb - 07/13/22 12:21 AM

Strawberry/rhubarb jam is pretty good. Haven't had it in years. Mom used to make.
Posted By: Badger23

Re: Rhubarb - 07/13/22 12:22 AM

Please give me an idea on the amount of sugar.
Posted By: Supergoose

Re: Rhubarb - 07/13/22 12:34 AM

Kind of play it by taste Badger…… I used about 3/4 cup with the four cups of rhubarb. Some like it sweeter and some like it more tart.

The plan was to build a blueberry/rhubarb pie but I got in a little late so that didn’t work out.
Posted By: Badger23

Re: Rhubarb - 07/13/22 12:44 AM

Thanks. I'd like to try making it sometime either a pie or on ice cream. I haven't had any in about 30 years and I had no idea how to use it. My mom used to make pies that I liked.
Posted By: Supergoose

Re: Rhubarb - 07/13/22 01:31 AM

Rhubarb pie is my favorite…… mix with strawberry, blueberry, or even peach.

You might have to adjust the sugar dial a bit when mixing with fruit as they add a natural sweetness
Posted By: Turtledale

Re: Rhubarb - 07/13/22 08:10 AM

Sounds good
Pineapple rhubarb pie is my favorite
Posted By: mole

Re: Rhubarb - 07/13/22 10:18 AM

We make Rhubarb jam. it is quite good.
Posted By: Supergoose

Re: Rhubarb - 07/13/22 10:21 AM

You bet Mole….. one of my favorites too. I don’t make my own though…. always buy it at the Farmers Market .
Posted By: micheal

Re: Rhubarb - 07/13/22 10:47 AM

Rhubarb pie here
Posted By: k snow

Re: Rhubarb - 07/13/22 11:40 AM

We make rhubarb pie, muffins and kuchen. Also make rhubarb strawberry jelly.

And rhubarb wine.
Posted By: Wright Brothers

Re: Rhubarb - 07/13/22 11:46 AM

I have a spot ready to plant some.
If planted now I'd need to water every half hour, it's dry here.
Elders always grew it on North side of home foundation.
I miss it. Will trade garlic for rhubarb starts.
Posted By: BvrRetriever

Re: Rhubarb - 07/14/22 04:56 PM

Mom's rhubarb crisp with a side of vanilla ice cream....can't be beat!
Posted By: bblwi

Re: Rhubarb - 07/14/22 07:38 PM

I use rhubarb in many ways, mostly jams and toppings, cakes etc., When I do my jams I use different mixes of rhubarb, strawberries, raspberries, grapes and currents and then season with sugars. The last few years I am using brown sugar and maple syrup instead of the refined. I make the freezer type jams and toppings which are really fast and easy. My wife got me a nice larger food processor last year and that really mixes stuff up well.
I like mine really tart so I use less sweetner than most recipes call for.
Posted By: Supergoose

Re: Rhubarb - 07/14/22 08:27 PM

So to follow up some……somebody brought in a angle food cake to the office…..forgot the strawberry topping…..I ran home and grabbed the rhubarb I boiled down …….worked out great !!!

So lets talk about brown sugar and maple syrup …….how much do you add and too how much rhubarb ??

And is that for jams and jellies or pies and stuff too. ??
Posted By: bblwi

Re: Rhubarb - 07/14/22 11:55 PM

Most of my experience is with jams and jellies and I can use about 2/3rds the brown sugar and maple syrup as I would with refined white sugar. It darkens the jam some but I even use brown sugar in my bread and butter pickles
As to rhubarb? I put in quite a bit and add the other fruits and then add the sweetners to my taste. My wife does not eat too much as she likes it sweeter then I do, so I make a couple containers of that. I don't think it is much different for the ingredients for pies and cakes, add the amount of sweetner you like and then bake or whatever. I am going to make some toppings with no pectin for toppings on say cake slices or ice cream. When I read that one post earlier I wanted some of that rhubarb topping right away. When making jams I put together the non rhubarb fruits first and then add the cooked rhubarb to taste and then the sugar. This year I have poor straw and raspberries but plenty of currents, rhubarb and tart cherries. It will take a bit more syrup and B sugar but that is okay. I use a lot of this on my homemade oatmearl, whole wheat waffles.

Posted By: Supergoose

Re: Rhubarb - 07/15/22 12:51 AM

bblwi : interesting stuff appreciate it……
I’ve read that a couple times now—-so you use maple syrup and brown sugar together….. it is not an either or then. ??

Have you ever tried using honey. ?? I have not and only just now thought of it .

Still have about 15 lbs left…..going to opt for a rhubarb and blueberry pie this weekend
Posted By: bblwi

Re: Rhubarb - 07/15/22 02:12 AM

I have mixed them but now use more brown sugar then maple syrup. I use the syrup more in baking and straight up now. Honey? I do when we have some around. Not a lot, more expensive here then maple syrup. With all the bee issues the last decade or so we don't have much around. Flavor is different today than 30 years ago too as we have gone to basically corn, beans, wheat and almost no flowers ever in our hay fields. Miles of fence rows have been buried too. Honey in my opinion and experience would give you the sweetest taste of all of them. We used to get clover honey from a retired Ag teacher who has long since passed. That was good honey,

Posted By: Supergoose

Re: Rhubarb - 07/15/22 10:33 AM

Good info….. appreciate it.
We have several folks that sell honey here….. not sure on pricing ….. been a while since I’ve bought any.
A lot of the land around here is large corporate farms, with fields like you described, however we have good access to smaller farms too through road side stands and farmer’s markets. Some have set aside small ares for things like bees and other wild life….it is good so see a field of green and wild flowers.
I’ll look into the honey now that I am curious…..
Posted By: deerdragger

Re: Rhubarb - 07/15/22 12:27 PM

I have a rhubarb theory: Never in the history of rhubarb has any person ever had the correct amount of rhubarb. I'll explain. If you don't happen to have a rhubarb patch on your property, you have zero rhubarb (which is not the correct amount of rhubarb). If you do happen to have a rhubarb patch on your property you have an excess amount of rhubarb - even if you regularly make and consume pies/sauces/etc. AND you give significant amounts of rhubarb away to those who do not have any.

The supply/demand equation is never in balance when it comes to rhubarb. You either have none or you have an embarrassment of riches.

The end.
Posted By: Supergoose

Re: Rhubarb - 07/15/22 09:35 PM

No truer words have ever been spoken
Posted By: bblwi

Re: Rhubarb - 07/15/22 11:32 PM

I have one plant and I can twist off about 20 or so stems a year and that is very workable for me.

Posted By: Supergoose

Re: Rhubarb - 07/16/22 12:33 AM

I don’t have plants anymore …… I buy 20 lbs every spring….. no kidding.

How long does it take for plants to produce large stalks ??

Anyone ever start them from scratch ??

About time I got my own patch here……
Posted By: bblwi

Re: Rhubarb - 07/16/22 12:36 AM

Depends on the size and the age of the root or root section you get. If you know a person with several plants and they don't mind giving or trading one with you, then you could dig and transplant a vigorus plant that would yield first year. Typical starter plants for me in the past it took 2-3 years not unlike buying asparagus. If you buy 3rd year roots you can harvest quicker.

Posted By: Supergoose

Re: Rhubarb - 07/16/22 12:38 AM

Let’s say I plant starter roots ….. then what ?? Just leave them alone for a couple years or trim a bit….
Posted By: 330-Trapper

Re: Rhubarb - 07/16/22 12:51 AM

Originally Posted by Supergoose
I don’t have plants anymore …… I buy 20 lbs every spring….. no kidding.

How long does it take for plants to produce large stalks ??

Anyone ever start them from scratch ??

About time I got my own patch here……

These Canadian Red new plants I started from seed about 6 weeks ago.

[Linked Image]

I have a big patch of the Old world green with some red tint , 6 plants 3 years old but recently I've desired the sweeter deep red rhubarb so after looking locally I had to aquire seeds online.

I'll plant these and not harvest from them for a couple years.
Posted By: Supergoose

Re: Rhubarb - 07/16/22 12:57 AM

Appreciate the info 330 !!
Posted By: 330-Trapper

Re: Rhubarb - 07/16/22 01:16 AM

Absolutely...hope you get some. grin
Posted By: martentrapper

Re: Rhubarb - 07/16/22 06:31 AM

Wife made rhubarb wine couple years ago. We sure like it. Got 2 bottles left.
Posted By: Supergoose

Re: Rhubarb - 07/17/22 12:38 AM

I’m not a big wine drinker…… but I would try that MT…..
Posted By: Northof50

Re: Rhubarb - 07/17/22 02:00 AM

Interesting that all the seeds came up Red. When you take seeds off a plant you never know what colour the stalks will be or how sweet they will taste.
Those must be closed pollination flowers to get all red
A couple of winters ago a large producer of plants lost 80% of his crop =100,000 plants due to freezing conditions in Winter
the chinook conditions in Alberta kills most of theirs every couple years, so lots get sent there.@ 75$ a plant

Supergoose if you find some old farmstead and some plants, just dig-cut some root stalk. Dig down at least a foot before going sideways and that stalk should root. Just before they go dormant in the fall
Posted By: Supergoose

Re: Rhubarb - 07/17/22 10:01 AM

Good call 50….. I’ll keep my eye out. Recently found some this spring, clearly not being tended too, owner said no he wanted to keep it . A week later cleared out with the rest of the land when they pushed the house over to build a new one……

Good advice on digging —I’ll remember it. Appreciate the help
Posted By: Northof50

Re: Rhubarb - 07/17/22 01:00 PM

They have a very large stalk below ground, the size of your forearm and a very deep tap root, cutting this there will be multi stalks appear following years, and these can be harvested.later

330T when are you going to plant those because the tap roots are probably curling up in the bottom of the cups.

holes should be 2-3 feet deep with a good nitrogen base compost in the bottom for the base plants . dont know how much cycadide problems you have or the june beetle larvae in your areas
Posted By: 330-Trapper

Re: Rhubarb - 07/17/22 01:29 PM

I gifted 2 pots to a 12 yr old boy who helps us here on my place with chores.

I tore out the bottom of one and he had taken the other plant out of the pot when he stepped on it. Plant was almost to the cups bottom.

When I plant new small plants like these I mix in dried cow manure quite heavily 50 / 50 with good soil but down in the hole about 6" or so. if it's a rood ball rhubarb transplant I mix it all around the cutting
Watering well everyday.
My plants do well with manure tea also.

This summer I di have aphids on one young plant I wouldn't be harvesting from for two years so I did use powdered 7.
Posted By: Strut10

Re: Rhubarb - 07/17/22 10:14 PM

I wanna get a patch started. But the only way I'll eat it is straight from the patch fresh with a dash of salt. Can not STAND the snot-like consistency of it once cooked.
Posted By: Supergoose

Re: Rhubarb - 07/18/22 12:17 AM

Just like my dad strut…. He will just grab a stalk and start eating it…. No salt, no sugar just straight.

My face wants to turn inside out just thinking about it
Posted By: Strut10

Re: Rhubarb - 07/18/22 02:17 AM

Originally Posted by Supergoose
Just like my dad strut…. He will just grab a stalk and start eating it…. No salt, no sugar just straight.

My face wants to turn inside out just thinking about it

It'll make your eyes sweat and your socks roll up and down your ankles, for sure...............unless ya got sticky ankles.

But that's JUST the way I like it !!!!
Posted By: 330-Trapper

Re: Rhubarb - 07/18/22 02:51 AM

Pull it out snap off both Ends
Dip it in Sugar every bite
Posted By: Strut10

Re: Rhubarb - 07/18/22 10:57 AM

Originally Posted by 330-Trapper
Pull it out snap off both Ends
Dip it in Sugar every bite

I cut a stalk at the ground...........cut off the leaf........peel the skin off the entire length of one side. The perfect amount of salt will then stick to the wet inner stalk.
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