
Those that say No to the vaccine.

Posted By: Dan D

Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/01/21 07:50 PM

I have covid, I'm bored and I wanted to start a new thread with different opinions.

To those that are an absolute No on the vaccine. Have you or any family members ever had anything seriously wrong with you or your families health? Have you seen any close friends or family pass from complications from Covid19?

Friend I worked with passed a few months back. 2 years younger than me. Yes he had diabetes also. Before covid, this man was working 60-70 hours a week. Couldn't resist saying yes for overtime .Good man, sad loss.

2 years ago, I had lots of bad stuff goin through my veins. Killed lots of bad cells but also lots of good cells. Plenty of repercussions but I'm still here 2 years later.

Haven't seen my Mom in 2 weeks. She is 90, aint been good for either of us. She had her second shot last weekend.

I'm still undecided. Could care less what the news says. I see my urologist next month. Will have a conversation with him. He saved my life. I trust him.
Posted By: Gary Benson

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/01/21 07:58 PM

Problem is, the vaccine still isn't proven effective. It's something the left wants to force on people. There's another reason behind it that hasn't been unveiled yet. "You WILL take the vaccine, or else..............?"

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/01/21 07:59 PM

Don't know of anyone that had covid in my family. And we all worked all through covid. My brother had reduced hours. Those of us that work in hospitals don't want it.
Posted By: HobbieTrapper

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/01/21 07:59 PM

7 family members
4 friends

Age range 12-84

4 were sick like they had the flu.
4 lost smell and taste
3 didn’t know they were sick until the test told them they were.

My Dad received the vaccine and now thinks he is bullet proof.
Posted By: danny clifton

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/01/21 08:07 PM

Family, friends, and co-workers all three. I had all the symptoms a year ago February. A friend lost both parents to it.

Sons mother in law had covid on her death certificate. She had been in a diabetic coma for two years. No one else, staff or patients, had covid at the time.

I am convinced we have been told a lot of lies about this thing. i dont trust any information coming out of DC or Atlanta. On any subject anymore
Posted By: trapper4002

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/01/21 08:16 PM

Look at a lot of us Gulf war veterans that where forced to take experiment drugs with no long term studies. A lot are no longer with us a lot are sick with many different problems. I will pass on this experimental drug
Posted By: nate

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/01/21 08:32 PM

My father took an experimental drug a few years ago, he may not have lasted long either way but the experiential drug scared his lungs and suffocated him. Yeah no thanks
Posted By: Calvin

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/01/21 08:38 PM

Problem is I highly suspect the vaccination will be mandatory to get on a plane in (and/or) to enter into certain states/countries. Hope I/m wrong there.

Had several friends who's had it. I find it weird how one person has almost no symptoms then the next is on his back for 3 solid weeks. I know of one person in his yearly 50s who died. Two that were out of work for 5 weeks and in bed for 3. One of those was lean and in great shape. Then a few that just had the flu like symptoms. There is some evidence that suggest those with type O blood seem to get it much less harsh. Not sure how that study is holding up, though.

I see both sides of this argument but I don't know that we can say that this vaccine is really experimental. At least much of this method has been used for years according to many docs. I would like to see the percentage of doctors who get the vaccination. I know a boat load of nurses and those who work in hospitals and I don't know any of those who haven't gotten the vaccine.

That said Bill Gates has some real disturbing views that were caught on video on vaccinating people (mainly the "religious") to make them "less religious". When asked how he would do it, he said through either a flue vaccination or a virus vaccination. Hmmmm
Posted By: atrapper

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/01/21 08:58 PM

Dan D., I'm not a doctor so you shouldn't listen to what I have to say. Your doctor is the expert. Go with what he says. I wouldn't trust a cosmetologist fixing my truck. I wouldn't trust a mechanic operating on my heart. I wouldn't trust an armchair trapper giving me their expert opinion on a vaccine.
Posted By: Mark K

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/01/21 09:12 PM

I suspect that unless you work in Health Care or do what I do, that I have seen more covid than the rest of you combined.

I worked in the isolation wing at my facility where we put all of the positive offenders. I saw one of my janitors die of it. (supposedly)
I dealt with a lot of people who were tired of being hemmed up and being locked down. Funny thing is that of all of the people who have been offered the vaccine, most of the inmates who were sick do not want anything to do with the vaccine. They don't trust it. They have had almost nothing to do except research the covid BS and most of them feel that it is a sham that is political and not in their best interests to swallow the crap.

I can't take the regular flu shot. The doctors tell me to pass on the vaccine. I wouldn't take it any way.
Posted By: Dan D

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/01/21 09:12 PM

Originally Posted by atrapper
Dan D., I'm not a doctor so you shouldn't listen to what I have to say. Your doctor is the expert. Go with what he says. I wouldn't trust a cosmetologist fixing my truck. I wouldn't trust a mechanic operating on my heart. I wouldn't trust an armchair trapper giving me their expert opinion on a vaccine.

Believe me, I wouldn't base my decision on what any of ya have to say. I just like readin different opinions but most importantly the why ya have those opinions.
Posted By: wetdog

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/01/21 09:18 PM

What happened to the Flu?
Did convid 19 kill the Flu virus
Inquiring minds want to know
Posted By: trapdog1

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/01/21 09:25 PM

Interesting post, Dan D. I hope you recover soon!
It really should be a personal decision. Hopefully, it will stay that way. As for me, I'm gonna hold off for awhile. Too many unknowns at this point.
Posted By: Mike in A-town

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/01/21 09:26 PM

If you want to take the vaccine, do it. Its a choice only you can make.

My main issue with the Covid vaccine proponents is there seem to be an awful lot who would deny the choice to anyone.


Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/01/21 09:36 PM

Originally Posted by wetdog
What happened to the Flu?
Did convid 19 kill the Flu virus
Inquiring minds want to know

Yes it did. Last thing I read was total of 165 hospitalized this flu season for the regular flu!!!!

Just had my semi-annual check-up (bloodwork for bp and cholesterol) and asked Dr. if I need a chinese flu shot.
He was only recommending to patients in worse shape than me!!! (Physical was fine-so keep doing what yr doin).
I'll b 65yo this yr and usually get sicker than a dog in Feb every yr but not this yr??? (I think I had it last Feb.)
Posted By: Boco

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/01/21 09:50 PM

Those who dont want it are forced to get it and those that want it cant get it-what a shite show.LOL.
Posted By: Wanna Be

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/01/21 09:50 PM

I’ll just put this out...the media will tell you the percentage of people in the US who have been vaccinated, but won’t tell you the percentage of people who have had it and recovered. I believe the initial estimates were 99.7% likely to recover. Both my wife and I had it. They are now saying the antibodies last up to at least 9 months...I would imagine longer as they test people who have had it longer. The antibodies will recognize the virus and supposedly start fighting it next time. Shots are reportedly anywhere from 68-95% effective.
My wife got both shots...Pfizer. She was sick as a dog on day three after the second shot and still has swollen lymph nodes and a sore arm a week later. Guess we’ll see who dies first or of what.

And yeah, I was working in a health department last week and the head nurse said “Heck to the NO on the shots!” She also said they haven’t heard of one reported flu case this past year.
Posted By: Sprung & Rusty

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/01/21 09:50 PM

I'm not afraid of dying. I walk with Christ. If I do get covid, I will take the breathing treatment and hydroxychloroquine and whatever steroid they said works. Those three things were reported to relieve symptoms almost immediately.
Posted By: Law Dog

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/01/21 09:55 PM

A guy must figure what he has a better chance of surviving the shot or Covid and go from there, I think a 3rd arm would be handy on the line maybe. wink
Posted By: 330-Trapper

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/01/21 09:56 PM

I've had 5 in my family have covid...all had mild symptoms

I'll take the Ivamec if I get covid

My Wife had covid, I was around her and no for me
Posted By: GritGuy

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/01/21 10:11 PM

wife and son both forced to take it to keep their jobs in the educational field of employment, neither were ambivalent about doing so, jut wanted the jobs to continue.

My company is doing mandatory covid tests weekly, I'm required to test as an essential, our family has extensive background in medical conditions due to both our boys years ago being taken away after an auto accident, prior to passing they were in ICU for months, we learned a lot about infections, we both are in our 60's her early me late.

Because of our background in the medical care area, we both decided we would not take it because of the low testing time and some of the more public reports of the bad effects, this alone showed that testing was further needed.
But I refuse because I feel this is a man made release and is bio-logically engineered, hence the complete difference's in so many having the virus attack them ! even with that the percentage of surviving with out complications already involved in your system is higher than 98 percent in most quotes.

If the lethality of the virus was quicker, say ten days or less and a much lower chance of survival maybe 50 to 60 percent, then I believe more consideration would be warranted in having a quick fix vaccine, though this is not what I would call a vaccine, to me it is more of a people calmer, as taking it does not stop you from having to do any of the pre-required mandated cautions of infections to others as well as your self.

There is no point to taking a vaccine that does not give you any trust in its use, in my opinion !
Posted By: WyFurHarvesters

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/01/21 10:24 PM

to many experts on this site on everything except trapping seems like.
Posted By: Law Dog

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/01/21 10:25 PM

Might start a rumor skunk essence keeps it away the price would skyrocket, heck that might be true I have not caught it yet? confused
Posted By: trapdog1

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/01/21 10:27 PM

Originally Posted by WyFurHarvesters
to many experts on this site on everything except trapping seems like.

The trapping only page might be fer you.
Posted By: 330-Trapper

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/01/21 10:27 PM

Originally Posted by WyFurHarvesters
to many experts on this site on everything except trapping seems like.

Bye then!
Posted By: Wanna Be

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/01/21 10:28 PM

I’ve heard wearing fur works...but don’t quote me. Need some influential trappers to start spreading the news!
Posted By: Kevin Stake

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/01/21 10:30 PM

S&R I agree with you. If you’re scared of where your soul is going after you die, then you better figure it out. Tomorrow is not guaranteed for anyone. The best is yet to come if you except Christ as your savior. It’s in the Bible, read it. If God wants to take me home, I’m ready.
Posted By: Law Dog

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/01/21 10:32 PM

Originally Posted by WyFurHarvesters
to many experts on this site on everything except trapping seems like.

Just put OT at the start of those posts.
Posted By: Paul Dobbins

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/01/21 10:36 PM

I found out one of my sisters has it. She's 69 and in poor health (congestive heart failure, diabetes and stuff like that), but seems to be handling the covid with relative ease so far. Her husband has had it for a couple of weeks and isn't handling it nearly as well as my sister.
Posted By: Boco

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/01/21 10:42 PM

Originally Posted by WyFurHarvesters
to many experts on this site on everything except trapping seems like.

Place is loaded with tin hatters too, that think everything is a government conspiracy,LOL.
Makes the place entertaining to say the least.
Lots of good trapping stuff though.
Posted By: trapdog1

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/01/21 10:44 PM

Originally Posted by Boco
Originally Posted by WyFurHarvesters
to many experts on this site on everything except trapping seems like.

Place is loaded with tin hatters too, that think everything is a government conspiracy,LOL.
Makes the place entertaining to say the least.
Lots of good trapping stuff though.

And foreign experts on American history and politics. grin
Posted By: Boco

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/01/21 10:47 PM

Posted By: Machias

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/01/21 10:50 PM

Myself and 99 of my coworkers have received at least the first shot (Pfizer). Myself and 59 of those 100 have received the second shot as well. No one has had anything other than a slightly sore arm. Mine lasted about 1 day on the first shot and nothing on the second dose. My wife works in the school district and received her first shot last week. Sore arm for 2 days, nothing else. One of her co-workers had a slight headache the following day. I've probably had 90+ vaccinations in my life as I was in the Military and have received a flu shot every year for the past 40 years. Shingles (2nd shot really kicked my tail), Anthrax, Gamma Globin (felt like Ice Cubes being shot into your backside), Hepatitis, Typhoid, Yellow Fever, blah blah blah. They say all kinds of things you eat or do will kill you from Cancer. No big deal.
Posted By: AntiGov

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/01/21 10:53 PM

It's sad to see people with health problems get pushed over the edge from covid

I suspect these same people are typically the ones who would die from the flu just the same

I won't take the experimental vaccine . Too many unknowns

And when ever should we trust the government ?
Posted By: Hydropillar

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/01/21 10:57 PM

you cant run away from a virus

some poeple die sad.... been going on forever this is a adgenda to get us socialized !!
Posted By: jeff karsten

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/01/21 11:01 PM

Its a personal decision and should be based on personal issues
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/01/21 11:04 PM

Where could one look to compare if a decrease in Covid deaths, correlates with an increase in deaths from heart failure, cancer, etc.?
I had an Uncle and Aunt (husband and wife) die from covid but have known of several more who have had it with no complications.
As for the vaccine, maybe in 15 or 20 years when I start taking the flu vaccine.
Posted By: Jerry Jr.

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/01/21 11:20 PM

Originally Posted by Law Dog
Might start a rumor skunk essence keeps it away the price would skyrocket, heck that might be true I have not caught it yet? confused

If nothing else it should help with social distancing.
Posted By: il.trapper

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/01/21 11:24 PM

Last time I took a flu shot it about killed me. That was back in the 90's. I have a yearly ordeal with pneumonia about this time every year. I get over it, or have so far.

As far as this so called vaccine, no way I will take it. Everything I have read, listened to, and seen, tells me if I get the virus Ivamec will cure it. that is the route I am taking. A good friend of mine had it and took the Ivamec and was over it within 24hrs. He is my age and in better shape probably.

I work with the public everyday, don't wear a mask, unless asked to, and have had no problems.
Posted By: MJM

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/01/21 11:26 PM

I am still trying to figure out why anyone would take the shots. It doesn't stop you from catching the china flu, you still have to ware a mask. It does nothing for you, so why are they pushing it so hard? My wife and I and both daughters and their husbands had Rona. No one went to the hospital for treatment and about the worse part was the loss of taste for me. I had a snotty nose for a couple days and a head ache.
Posted By: NorthenTrapper

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/01/21 11:39 PM

Originally Posted by Paul Dobbins
I found out one of my sisters has it. She's 69 and in poor health (congestive heart failure, diabetes and stuff like that), but seems to be handling the covid with relative ease so far. Her husband has had it for a couple of weeks and isn't handling it nearly as well as my sister.

Best wishes for both your sister and her husband Paul.
Posted By: JComer

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/01/21 11:46 PM

Originally Posted by Boco
Originally Posted by WyFurHarvesters
to many experts on this site on everything except trapping seems like.

Place is loaded with tin hatters too, that think everything is a government conspiracy,LOL.
Makes the place entertaining to say the least.
Lots of good trapping stuff though.

Originally Posted by Boco
Originally Posted by WyFurHarvesters
to many experts on this site on everything except trapping seems like.

Place is loaded with tin hatters too, that think everything is a government conspiracy,LOL.
Makes the place entertaining to say the least.
Lots of good trapping stuff though.

I have worked for Government 40 Years it is one conspiracy theory
Posted By: Gary Benson

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/01/21 11:46 PM

Originally Posted by WyFurHarvesters
to many experts on this site on everything except trapping seems like.

Too many experts can't spell neither.
Posted By: Sprung & Rusty

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/01/21 11:48 PM

Originally Posted by Kevin Stake
S&R I agree with you. If you’re scared of where your soul is going after you die, then you better figure it out. Tomorrow is not guaranteed for anyone. The best is yet to come if you except Christ as your savior. It’s in the Bible, read it. If God wants to take me home, I’m ready.

To be more transparent. I do my part. I social distance and wash often. I make an effort to not get the covid. I don't want to die. I have people that depend on me to take care of them. If I do go, I just know everything will be ok. The Lord is with me is all. I'm not going to live paranoid.
Posted By: ack

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/01/21 11:54 PM

Fwiw Dan, Peggy and I both had it last oct. We are opting out on the vaccine.
If the risk of reinvention was any bit of a chance the media would be all over it.
Crickets from the media on that.
Posted By: Machias

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/01/21 11:54 PM

The flu shot doesn't prevent you from getting the flu, but in most cases the severity is much less if you do get it, of course that is if they correctly predicted the right strain for the year. Why would you consider taking the COVID shot? All indications are that it will lessen the chances of you becoming gravely sick from the virus, hopefully resulting in far less hospitalizations and deaths. If you are an older person, someone with a compromised immune system or have one of the factors that places you in the high risk category, you'd be smart to consider it. If you are not comfortable with getting vaccinated, then don't. Pretty simple. If you are under 65 and in good health, you probably should not get vaccinated as the vast majority in the range do not have complications if they do get COVID. 50+ million folks vaccinated and folks like to pick out the random side affects of a few people. Almost all vaccinations have side affects and almost all vaccinations have had people with adverse reactions. Most folks never even blink an eye on the vast majority of vaccinations.
Posted By: Dan D

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/02/21 12:30 AM

Originally Posted by ack
Fwiw Dan, Peggy and I both had it last oct. We are opting out on the vaccine.
If the risk of reinvention was any bit of a chance the media would be all over it.
Crickets from the media on that.

Hey Tim, was just lookin for some good conversation. I think of you and Peg quite often. As you well know, sometimes things just happen for no reason. Wouldn't wish that on no one.

I plan on getting my antibodies checked at certain intervals. I sure don't want it again.
Posted By: Cibarius

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/02/21 12:32 AM

So they say this virus is bad because of all the asymptomatic people spreading it around. The vaccine does not kill the virus, it lessens the symptoms. So why would a healthy person get it? Seems counter productive to cause all these people to become asymptomatic.
Posted By: Dan D

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/02/21 12:37 AM

Originally Posted by MJM
I am still trying to figure out why anyone would take the shots. It doesn't stop you from catching the china flu, you still have to ware a mask. It does nothing for you, so why are they pushing it so hard? My wife and I and both daughters and their husbands had Rona. No one went to the hospital for treatment and about the worse part was the loss of taste for me. I had a snotty nose for a couple days and a head ache.

No, it might not keep ya from getting the virus but just maybe, it might help ya from getting seriously ill. I have no idea. Like I've said, not looking for advise.

Thinkin about our friend here RM from Tennessee. Young man with a young family. Has had a rough time. Hope he's feelin ok.
Posted By: MJM

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/02/21 12:42 AM

Originally Posted by Cibarius
So they say this virus is bad because of all the asymptomatic people spreading it around. The vaccine does not kill the virus, it lessens the symptoms. So why would a healthy person get it? Seems counter productive to cause all these people to become asymptomatic.

How do they know it lessens the symptoms? Do they know what symptoms someone would have if they are not vaccinated? My two girls both had it and never had a single symptom. So what would it have done for them. My wife and I had the china flu and both had a head ache and runny nose, and lost our smell/taste. Would have not had a head ache, or no runny nose? Not lost my taste or smell. Name one thing they have predicted right on this planedemic.
Posted By: Bogmaster

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/02/21 12:51 AM

They predicted--some will die. Guess they were right about that.500,000 plus could attest to that.
While we are all going to meet that end, I am willing to get vaccinated and try to get in another trapping season or two.
Posted By: 330-Trapper

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/02/21 12:55 AM

Originally Posted by Paul Dobbins
I found out one of my sisters has it. She's 69 and in poor health (congestive heart failure, diabetes and stuff like that), but seems to be handling the covid with relative ease so far. Her husband has had it for a couple of weeks and isn't handling it nearly as well as my sister.

Prayers for them
Posted By: Wanna Be

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/02/21 12:56 AM

Originally Posted by Bogmaster
They predicted--some will die. Guess they were right about that.500,000 plus could attest to that.
While we are all going to meet that end, I am willing to get vaccinated and try to get in another trapping season or two.

Yet NO flu deaths...heck, haven’t even heard of one case. I don’t care what “they” say, I know a lady that was 250+# and diabetic and died from a heart attack at work...until she tested positive for covid after death. Her death certificate stated Covid was the cause of death. I’m sure there were plenty of others.
Posted By: Bogmaster

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/02/21 01:03 AM

Masking,distancing,shut downs--have kept flu numbers way down.That sounds pretty understandable to me. Also mentioned from the start--pre existing health issues and covid don't mix well and can lead to death-again always sounded pretty undestandable.
Posted By: danny clifton

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/02/21 01:22 AM

Around here people are not doing any of that Tom. Had plenty test + for zombie virus but so far no flu. Good news is flu season is about over.
Posted By: MJM

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/02/21 01:34 AM

Originally Posted by Bogmaster
Masking,distancing,shut downs--have kept flu numbers way down.That sounds pretty understandable to me. Also mentioned from the start--pre existing health issues and covid don't mix well and can lead to death-again always sounded pretty undestandable.

But it did nothing to keep the China flu numbers down. That makes sense to me. Is the death rate up 500,000 plus for the year? I am happy you will feel safe once you get your shots.
Posted By: cbat

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/02/21 01:55 AM

I would say that a lot of covid deaths have a comorbidity. I know of a couple people that died that were listed as covid deaths that had cancer or a heart attack. No untested vaccines for our household.
Posted By: Twisted metal

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/02/21 02:09 AM

Had the COVID a few months back and it was about like the average cold. Not getting the shot because I already have the immunity without the possible side effects

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/02/21 02:24 AM

Originally Posted by MJM
Originally Posted by Bogmaster
Masking,distancing,shut downs--have kept flu numbers way down.That sounds pretty understandable to me. Also mentioned from the start--pre existing health issues and covid don't mix well and can lead to death-again always sounded pretty undestandable.

But it did nothing to keep the China flu numbers down. That makes sense to me. Is the death rate up 500,000 plus for the year? I am happy you will feel safe once you get your shots.

Saw nowhere that more people died than usually die/yr last year???? They just labeled them chink flu instead of obesity, heart attack, pneumonia, copd, lung cancer, old age, etc.
Posted By: traprjohn

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/02/21 02:53 AM

Originally Posted by trapper4002
Look at a lot of us Gulf war veterans that where forced to take experiment drugs with no long term studies. A lot are no longer with us a lot are sick with many different problems. I will pass on this experimental drug

What we’ve been saying (in the military community) all along. We won’t be guinea pigs.
Posted By: Jtrapper

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/02/21 03:08 AM

To those that are an absolute No on the vaccine. Have you or any family members ever had anything seriously wrong with you or your families health? Have you seen any close friends or family pass from complications from Covid19?

Yes, my brother had covid and had just been diagnosed with prostate cancer, that's how he found out he had covid, got tested before prostate removal surgery. He also has about 5 other auto immune issue's but he survived, had his surgery and is about on the last of his radiation treatments.

Guy at my son's school went on a ventilator and stayed for a long time before he passed with covid about a year ago now, when it all first started, he had downs syndrome and was 34 years old. A older cousin died of it but he refused treatment, he was 74.

I don't want the virus but no way im taking a shot when i have no clue what is in it or what long term effects of it will be. I get covid i'll probably survive! Same as i would with the flu.
Posted By: Boco

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/02/21 03:10 AM

The vaccines that they developed are responsible for the mutation of covid into several new much more virulent and deadly forms.
Posted By: charles

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/02/21 03:22 AM

Until we conquer Covid, it will continue to mutate, continue to harm our health, and continue to harm our economy and lifestyles. Stubbornness will not arrest it, but allow it to either die on its own, or infect all of us. The consequences of the latter could be horrible.

I think the three vaccines are our best defense and our best offense. We cannot sit out the game and emerge victoriously.
Posted By: corky

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/02/21 03:31 AM

Originally Posted by Jtrapper
To those that are an absolute No on the vaccine. Have you or any family members ever had anything seriously wrong with you or your families health? Have you seen any close friends or family pass from complications from Covid19?

Yes, my brother had covid and had just been diagnosed with prostate cancer, that's how he found out he had covid, got tested before prostate removal surgery. He also has about 5 other auto immune issue's but he survived, had his surgery and is about on the last of his radiation treatments.

Guy at my son's school went on a ventilator and stayed for a long time before he passed with covid about a year ago now, when it all first started, he had downs syndrome and was 34 years old. A older cousin died of it but he refused treatment, he was 74.

I don't want the virus but no way im taking a shot when i have no clue what is in it or what long term effects of it will be. I get covid i'll probably survive! Same as i would with the flu.

I think that someone that is 108 years old should probably consider it. wink
Posted By: AntiGov

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/02/21 03:32 AM

When will that be Chuck ?

NEVER , that's when
Posted By: T-Rex

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/02/21 03:42 AM

Arrest it??

How do you arrest a phantom?

No one can pin this thing down. Testing is accurate to maybe about 50%. Just as many false positives as false negatives. My wife had it!!! Yeah, sure; that's what some hack doctor claims. Nobody, she was in close contact with got it! That includes me. Is she immune, now? Who knows? Stupid doctors have no way of testing. Too many variables, they say.

Yes, people are getting sick. None of them have the same symptoms. Do you want to tell me that is the same disease? Maybe yes, maybe no. I just think the whole thing is a very well conceived worldwide hoax designed to gain total control of human behavior.

My condolences to all that are sick. and to those who have lost loved ones. That part is real. What to blame it on is something we have yet to learn.
Posted By: lee steinmeyer

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/02/21 04:23 AM

Originally Posted by T-Rex
Arrest it??

How do you arrest a phantom?

No one can pin this thing down. Testing is accurate to maybe about 50%. Just as many false positives as false negatives. My wife had it!!! Yeah, sure; that's what some hack doctor claims. Nobody, she was in close contact with got it! That includes me. Is she immune, now? Who knows? Stupid doctors have no way of testing. Too many variables, they say.

Yes, people are getting sick. None of them have the same symptoms. Do you want to tell me that is the same disease? Maybe yes, maybe no. I just think the whole thing is a very well conceived worldwide hoax designed to gain total control of human behavior.

My condolences to all that are sick. and to those who have lost loved ones. That part is real. What to blame it on is something we have yet to learn.

Very good post T-Rex! My feelings exactly. I'm sick to death of the whole topic!
Posted By: Cibarius

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/02/21 04:25 AM

Originally Posted by charles

Until we conquer Covid, it will continue to mutate, continue to harm our health, and continue to harm our economy and lifestyles. Stubbornness will not arrest it, but allow it to either die on its own, or infect all of us. The consequences of the latter could be horrible.

I think the three vaccines are our best defense and our best offense. We cannot sit out the game and emerge victoriously.

I'll say it again. If healthy people get vaccinated and it lessens their symptoms, which would most likely be a mild cold, doesn't that make them likely asymptomatic? So they carry on like normal, even though they still have a covid infection. Do you just blindly follow and not think about anything?
Posted By: trapdog1

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/02/21 10:50 AM

Originally Posted by charles

Until we conquer Covid, it will continue to mutate, continue to harm our health, and continue to harm our economy and lifestyles. Stubbornness will not arrest it, but allow it to either die on its own, or infect all of us. The consequences of the latter could be horrible.

I think the three vaccines are our best defense and our best offense. We cannot sit out the game and emerge victoriously.

So does this mean you think the vaccine should be mandatory?
Posted By: jabNE

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/02/21 10:59 AM

I signed up for the vaccine awhile back...but sounds like a long line ahead of me to get it.
Posted By: MJM

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/02/21 01:30 PM

They claim 500,000 + have died from the Rona. They claim there is a 99+% survival rate. So how many people have lived through it. So that comes out to 49,500,000+ have had Rona and lived. 2019 there was 328.2 million people in the US. Feeling safe with no vaccine.

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/02/21 01:32 PM

Originally Posted by Jtrapper
To those that are an absolute No on the vaccine. Have you or any family members ever had anything seriously wrong with you or your families health? Have you seen any close friends or family pass from complications from Covid19?

Yes, my brother had covid and had just been diagnosed with prostate cancer, that's how he found out he had covid, got tested before prostate removal surgery. He also has about 5 other auto immune issue's but he survived, had his surgery and is about on the last of his radiation treatments.

Guy at my son's school went on a ventilator and stayed for a long time before he passed with covid about a year ago now, when it all first started, he had downs syndrome and was 34 years old. A older cousin died of it but he refused treatment, he was 74.

I don't want the virus but no way im taking a shot when i have no clue what is in it or what long term effects of it will be. I get covid i'll probably survive! Same as i would with the flu.

That is correct JT "Only the GOOD die young" as the song says!!! laugh
Posted By: walleye101

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/02/21 01:48 PM

Originally Posted by T-Rex

No one can pin this thing down. Testing is accurate to maybe about 50%. Just as many false positives as false negatives.

So if you test positive you may not actually have it, but if you test negative you may have it. A coin flip would be 50% accurate.
Posted By: BernieB.

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/02/21 01:55 PM

I don't think your question is even the right question. You don't have to say no to the vaccine to not get it, you just don't have to say yes. Big difference.
Posted By: 330-Trapper

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/02/21 01:58 PM

Just say no
Posted By: Bruce T

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/02/21 01:59 PM

Just say yes to no wink
Posted By: 653

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/02/21 02:01 PM

what happened to the flu this year? remember how many died from flu past years? its always going to be with us in some form. think this shot only helps with symptons not a cure. no shot for me
Posted By: 330-Trapper

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/02/21 02:02 PM

Posted By: farmnhunt

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/02/21 02:10 PM

I have other health issues. I have had family die from "covid". I had covid, no serious symptoms. I won't take the vaccine. If having the virus won't give immunity neither will a vaccine, trust the science we have had for decades. To quote our progressive friends, "my body my choice".
Posted By: 330-Trapper

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/02/21 02:11 PM

Posted By: ksp107

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/02/21 02:21 PM

Im not getting it......

Have had couple good friends that got it, it was hard on both of them, both are 52. They said it was the sickest they had ever been. My wife has a close friend who's husband has been in the hospital since late December, he's 52 as well. No preexisting conditions, but he's been on death's doorstep a couple of times. Seems like he is finally turning a corner and maybe getting better.

Those instances above are out of the norm around here though. The others I know that have had it all had mild symptoms, if any. Hard to know how it will affect each person.

It should be a CHOICE, period.
Posted By: Spade

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/02/21 02:23 PM

I guess I don't understand. Some think that the virus is fake and the numbers are really inflated for deaths from the virus. If a person has underlying medical conditions and catches the coro-virus and dies and the cause of death is the virus, it is all fake. However, less just say a person who has stage 4 lung cancer, is killed in an auto accident, due they put down that the person died of the auto-accident or underlying condition of lung cancer.
To me it makes no difference: Dead is dead, and someone is losing, a family member or friend, and it is going to hurt.

I can remember when the MMR vaccine was supposed to cause autism, and it was put thru a heck of a lot more studies than these for the coro-virs, and some parents refused to get there kids the vaccine, and the kids ended up with German measles, and then hospitilized for brain damage due to the high fever temp.

Some people like myself, has never had any childhood diseases, as the same for my mother, so it just goes to show that people are different, but that would not proclude me from having, my kids (if I had any) from being vaccinated, and would protect my family at any cost.
Posted By: 330-Trapper

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/02/21 02:26 PM

You had no childhood Polio, measles or mumps because you were vaccinated ^^^
Posted By: Spade

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/02/21 02:45 PM

No, I was not not vaccinated for MMR, the only thing I can remember is the sugar cube with the red dot for polio, which was required to attend school. I guess what I'm saying is some people just have a natural immunity from some diseases, but it doesn't mean it follows generation to generation. I didn't get vaccinated for anything other than the polio vaccine until I went into the military.
Posted By: Bruce T

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/02/21 02:47 PM

Posted By: 330-Trapper

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/02/21 02:48 PM

Well it saved you from polio

Me too. My dad got polio in 44'

Lost the use of his right arm.

Posted By: Spade

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/02/21 03:09 PM

Yes, it did, and I can recall the number of people that had the braces on their legs, and I'm grateful for the vaccine.

Bruce T: To each their own, but I don't see any of the reasoning to put down someone else who decides to get a shot for any disease, to either protect themselves or someone else.
You know when they started regulated health care in hospitals a few months ago, it really upset me, a 70 yr old who followed all the protections, but got the virus because someone didn't wash their hands properly, or didn't were a mask, gets sent to the cube, just because their 70 and their rate of survival is low, vs some young person who refuses to protect themselves, gets an ICU bed, just because they have a better chance of living, is wrong.
To me that is like giving a liver transplant to an person, then they go back to drinking.
Posted By: 330-Trapper

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/02/21 04:04 PM

Its been said before...to each their own
Posted By: Snowpa

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/02/21 04:16 PM

[quote=wetdog]What happened to the Flu?
Did convid 19 kill the Flu virus
Inquiring minds want to know[/quote

Don't think its not out there ,I do believe it is spread by sick people who dont stay home . What I would like to know is how many Dem politicians got covid compared to Republicans
Posted By: MJM

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/02/21 04:35 PM

When they can call a death, a CV19 death without testing and get paid to claim it. The numbers may not be 100%
Posted By: Boco

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/02/21 04:56 PM

You could die from covid without even having covid by not being able to get elective life saving surgery,or be able to get on a ventilator due to the massive flooding of the hospital resources by those with covid.
Your death would be a direct result of covid.They dont count those covid deaths as such because the person did not actually have covid when they died.So the real numbers of deaths due to covid is much higher than reported,even without counting the deaths from suicide and depression brought along by the covid pandemic.Add those and the deaths due to covid are massively undereported.
Posted By: MJM

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/02/21 05:16 PM

Boco, do you think that laying off all the surgery nurses, at the start of the flatten the curve maybe had something to do with the numbers of deaths. The hospitals were empty. They sent a medical ship to NY to take Rona patients, and none ever showed up. Not one was on the ship. But NY has one of the higher death rates in the US. Bill Gates wants to control the world population. It was developed and spread on purpose.
Posted By: 330-Trapper

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/02/21 07:30 PM

Originally Posted by il.trapper
Last time I took a flu shot it about killed me. That was back in the 90's. I have a yearly ordeal with pneumonia about this time every year. I get over it, or have so far.

As far as this so called vaccine, no way I will take it. Everything I have read, listened to, and seen, tells me if I get the virus Ivamec will cure it. that is the route I am taking. A good friend of mine had it and took the Ivamec and was over it within 24hrs. He is my age and in better shape probably.

I work with the public everyday, don't wear a mask, unless asked to, and have had no problems.

I just got a pneumonia shot yesterday...hasn't the doctor offered you one?
Posted By: Spade

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/02/21 07:56 PM

Originally Posted by MJM
Boco, do you think that laying off all the surgery nurses, at the start of the flatten the curve maybe had something to do with the numbers of deaths. The hospitals were empty. They sent a medical ship to NY to take Rona patients, and none ever showed up. Not one was on the ship. But NY has one of the higher death rates in the US. Bill Gates wants to control the world population. It was developed and spread on purpose.

Mission of USS Comfort from Navy Times: /www.navytimes.com/news/your-navy/2020/04/30/hospital-ship-comfort-departs-nyc-having-treated-fewer-than-200-patien

200 people who were treated, and gave some added relief to hospital staff, or that public hospitals didn't have room for
Posted By: Cibarius

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/02/21 08:22 PM

Originally Posted by Boco
You could die from covid without even having covid by not being able to get elective life saving surgery,or be able to get on a ventilator due to the massive flooding of the hospital resources by those with covid.
Your death would be a direct result of covid.They dont count those covid deaths as such because the person did not actually have covid when they died.So the real numbers of deaths due to covid is much higher than reported,even without counting the deaths from suicide and depression brought along by the covid pandemic.Add those and the deaths due to covid are massively undereported.

Elective life saving surgery? What are you on? That’s one of the most ignorant things I’ve heard lately.
Posted By: Trapper7

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/02/21 08:25 PM

I don't know how they can get away with calling this product a vaccine. The definition of a vaccine: "A product that stimulates a person's immune system to produce immunity to a specific disease protecting that person from the disease."

The covid "vaccines" don't do that. You can still get the virus with the shots, have to wear a mask, can still be contagious, and have to social distance. The only thing the shot can do for you is if you get the virus, your chances of survival are better, so they say. That is unless you happen to catch the new strain that out there. Then they're not sure just how effective the shot will be. Too many "what ifs" for me. No one knows what the long term effect will be with these shots either. Normally, more research is done before certain drugs ever hit the market.
Posted By: Boco

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/02/21 08:28 PM

Cancer patients have had to wait for surgeries that have resulted in spread.
You are ignorant.
Not only that many other procedures put on hold due to covid, like MRI and other diagnostics have resulted in the same outcomes.
Posted By: Cibarius

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/02/21 08:34 PM

Originally Posted by Boco
Cancer patients have had to wait for surgeries that have resulted in spread.
You are ignorant.
Not only that many other procedures put on hold due to covid, like MRI and other diagnostics have resulted in the same outcomes.

Do you know the definition of elective surgery? You are a troll that should go away.
Posted By: trapdog1

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/02/21 08:48 PM

Originally Posted by Boco
You could die from covid without even having covid by not being able to get elective life saving surgery,or be able to get on a ventilator due to the massive flooding of the hospital resources by those with covid.
Your death would be a direct result of covid.They dont count those covid deaths as such because the person did not actually have covid when they died.So the real numbers of deaths due to covid is much higher than reported,even without counting the deaths from suicide and depression brought along by the covid pandemic.Add those and the deaths due to covid are massively undereported.

Just like some stating that covid deaths are over reported, this is pure speculation.
Posted By: ksp107

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/02/21 08:48 PM

Originally Posted by Trapper7
I don't know how they can get away with calling this product a vaccine. The definition of a vaccine: "A product that stimulates a person's immune system to produce immunity to a specific disease protecting that person from the disease."

The covid "vaccines" don't do that. You can still get the virus with the shots, have to wear a mask, can still be contagious, and have to social distance. The only thing the shot can do for you is if you get the virus, your chances of survival are better, so they say. That is unless you happen to catch the new strain that out there. Then they're not sure just how effective the shot will be. Too many "what ifs" for me. No one knows what the long term effect will be with these shots either. Normally, more research is done before certain drugs ever hit the market.

Posted By: GritGuy

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/02/21 09:02 PM

It's quite a stretch for me to believe or assume that people die from the virus just because some one else does not wash their hands, when so many people don't have contact with others and are doing all they can to follow these ever changing guides from the Fauci dude who can't make up his mind about how to handle it !!

All that proves to me is that it's airborne just like many other things one can possibly get infected with !

Laying that fear mongering trip out for people is a great control grip for the uneducated or very easily scared people, it also is a great manipulator of selling the vaccine, and is not actually even statically supported, it's just a guess, an assumption, studies for that kind of remark would have to be vetted out with a very long window of time !

So is it really about the safety of controlling the virus, or is it just another dollar deal that we all learn to avoid or just deal with to move along ??
Posted By: white17

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/02/21 09:03 PM

Originally Posted by Trapper7
I don't know how they can get away with calling this product a vaccine. The definition of a vaccine: "A product that stimulates a person's immune system to produce immunity to a specific disease protecting that person from the disease."

The covid "vaccines" don't do that. .

Not correct. The two currently in use drugs do EXACTLY what your definition states.

The virus is SARS-CoV-2. The disease is Covid-19.

It is, as you point out, possible to contract the virus after receiving the vaccination. But the drug will prevent you from manifesting the disease or at least developing a milder case.

So it is possible to be infected with the virus but not develop the disease, if you have had the vaccination. That's the whole point of the vaccination
Posted By: Boco

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/02/21 09:05 PM

Originally Posted by Cibarius
Originally Posted by Boco
Cancer patients have had to wait for surgeries that have resulted in spread.
You are ignorant.
Not only that many other procedures put on hold due to covid, like MRI and other diagnostics have resulted in the same outcomes.

Do you know the definition of elective surgery? You are a troll that should go away.

You are thick between the ears-a biopsy for instance,is just one example of an elective surgery.

But I wont tell you to go away you may learn something.
Posted By: Cibarius

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/02/21 09:23 PM

Most of your babble is of the oxymoron language. You should probably google that as well.
Posted By: Dirt

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/02/21 09:24 PM

Don't have to say no. It is not like they will be offered locally. Until they mandate it for flying, I'll let the rest of you wipe out this disease. Good Luck!
Posted By: Wanna Be

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/02/21 09:28 PM

Got a question...they don’t inject you with the virus like the flu shot...so if they aren’t injecting the virus, what causes some people to run fever and get covid like symptoms after the second shot?

A vaccine prevents the disease...a shot just lessens the 99.7% survival rate symptoms.
Posted By: Sprung & Rusty

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/02/21 09:30 PM

Cases are really really low today. A very small fraction of what it was in January when it was peaking.
Posted By: 30/06

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/02/21 09:38 PM

I don't see Covid vaccinations being mandatory within our borders per government order. For example, children may now attend public school without standard childhood vaccinations by claiming religious exemption. Some of those vaccinations prevent diseases worse than COVID-19. Those unvaccinated children are protected by the herd immunity of the vaccinated. Private businesses may require vaccination, but we have the freedom to work or shop elsewhere. Foreign countries may require vaccination to enter, but they are sovereign countries, that's their right, and we have the freedom to not travel there. In other words, I just don't see vaccination becoming a requirement to live within our borders as private citizens, but not getting vaccinations may limit our options for employment, shopping, travel.
Posted By: GritGuy

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/02/21 09:58 PM

To me limiting my options for either having it or taking it is controlling what I decide to do about it.

One can limit things to such a degree that yes you are forced to take it, which I can see happening very quickly, if there is another upsurge, or a variant that takes off.

We went from a 15 day learning curve for control to now over a year with varying types of control which are all suspect to a degree of some sort or another. Even with any of the vaccines you are still required to follow mandates, this kinda sucks the trust out of having the vaccine to being with !!

Yet the government virus adviser is now speaking of the end of 2022 as a goal to stop masking, even with this questionable vaccine or any variant from other makers.

Where is this not some sort of mandatory control ? Why should you be forced to quit a job you have had for 20 or so years because someone else is afraid of a virus, and you feel comfortable not having it ?

That to me spells big trouble about being mandatory in sense of being controlled for the over all populace !
Posted By: Teacher

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/02/21 10:02 PM

I’m 70. Have some pre-existing conditions. My turn is tomorrow and I’m going for it because most of the people around me are my age and everybody has pre-existing conditions. I figure I’ve got another 15 years ahead of me if I live smart. Getting the vaccine and avoiding unmasked crowds is smart, in my book.
Posted By: Sprung & Rusty

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/02/21 10:08 PM

Originally Posted by GritGuy
To me limiting my options for either having it or taking it is controlling what I decide to do about it.

One can limit things to such a degree that yes you are forced to take it, which I can see happening very quickly, if there is another upsurge, or a variant that takes off.

We went from a 15 day learning curve for control to now over a year with varying types of control which are all suspect to a degree of some sort or another. Even with any of the vaccines you are still required to follow mandates, this kinda sucks the trust out of having the vaccine to being with !!

Yet the government virus adviser is now speaking of the end of 2022 as a goal to stop masking, even with this questionable vaccine or any variant from other makers.

Where is this not some sort of mandatory control ? Why should you be forced to quit a job you have had for 20 or so years because someone else is afraid of a virus, and you feel comfortable not having it ?

That to me spells big trouble about being mandatory in sense of being controlled for the over all populace !

Now that Trump is out, we will for some reason see the numbers keep dropping and things will get more normal. The democrats will take the credit.
Posted By: trapdog1

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/02/21 10:18 PM

Originally Posted by Teacher
I’m 70. Have some pre-existing conditions. My turn is tomorrow and I’m going for it because most of the people around me are my age and everybody has pre-existing conditions. I figure I’ve got another 15 years ahead of me if I live smart. Getting the vaccine and avoiding unmasked crowds is smart, in my book.

Good deal. You are making the decision that you feel is right for you. Everyone else should do the same.
And I hope your 15 years turns into 20+!
Posted By: Sprung & Rusty

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/02/21 10:20 PM

Originally Posted by Teacher
I’m 70. Have some pre-existing conditions. My turn is tomorrow and I’m going for it because most of the people around me are my age and everybody has pre-existing conditions. I figure I’ve got another 15 years ahead of me if I live smart. Getting the vaccine and avoiding unmasked crowds is smart, in my book.

Avoiding crowds weather masked or not is a good idea.
Posted By: Bruce T

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/02/21 10:34 PM

Originally Posted by Spade
Yes, it did, and I can recall the number of people that had the braces on their legs, and I'm grateful for the vaccine.

Bruce T: To each their own, but I don't see any of the reasoning to put down someone else who decides to get a shot for any disease, to either protect themselves or someone else.
You know when they started regulated health care in hospitals a few months ago, it really upset me, a 70 yr old who followed all the protections, but got the virus because someone didn't wash their hands properly, or didn't were a mask, gets sent to the cube, just because their 70 and their rate of survival is low, vs some young person who refuses to protect themselves, gets an ICU bed, just because they have a better chance of living, is wrong.
To me that is like giving a liver transplant to an person, then they go back to drinking.

Never put anyone down.Just always said no to myself getting the shot.
Posted By: Cibarius

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/02/21 10:35 PM

Originally Posted by Teacher
I’m 70. Have some pre-existing conditions. My turn is tomorrow and I’m going for it because most of the people around me are my age and everybody has pre-existing conditions. I figure I’ve got another 15 years ahead of me if I live smart. Getting the vaccine and avoiding unmasked crowds is smart, in my book.

Check out the cdc exposer protocol. It specifically states “ regardless if either party is masked”
Posted By: Trapper7

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/03/21 07:34 PM

A lady that helps us at the food shelf said her 84 year old father got both shots. Two weeks later he had surgery, that was three weeks ago since the surgery. He was only to spend a couple of days in the hospital, then go home after the surgery. He started hallucinating after the surgery. He never went home, but is now in a nursing home still with bouts of hallucination. They don't know what's wrong with him. A reaction to the surgery drugs, although they said those would have been out of his body within a couple of days max? A reaction to the drugs in combination with the virus shots he had prior to the surgery? Or, is that just a coincidence having nothing to do with it?

The lady whose father it is, is a retired nurse. She and her husband were going to get the shots for the virus. After seeing what has happened to her father, she's reconsidering her position on the shots.
Posted By: Ridge Runner1960

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/03/21 11:08 PM

Originally Posted by Dan D
I have covid, I'm bored and I wanted to start a new thread with different opinions.

To those that are an absolute No on the vaccine. Have you or any family members ever had anything seriously wrong with you or your families health? Have you seen any close friends or family pass from complications from Covid19?

Friend I worked with passed a few months back. 2 years younger than me. Yes he had diabetes also. Before covid, this man was working 60-70 hours a week. Couldn't resist saying yes for overtime .Good man, sad loss.

2 years ago, I had lots of bad stuff goin through my veins. Killed lots of bad cells but also lots of good cells. Plenty of repercussions but I'm still here 2 years later.

Haven't seen my Mom in 2 weeks. She is 90, aint been good for either of us. She had her second shot last weekend.

I'm still undecided. Could care less what the news says. I see my urologist next month. Will have a conversation with him. He saved my life. I trust him.

my thoughts, they have been tweaking the flue vaccine every year for 70 years, it is 46% effective, Covid is 80% a flue virus, only difference is an added A20 protein (just so ya know, Anthony Fauci owns the patent on the A20 protein) yet they are telling us in 7 months they developed a vaccine that is 94% effective on an 80% flue virus? and look who is really pushing for the vaccine, Fauci who owns stock in Moderna so he's making bank, Bill Gates who owns 20 some patents for his vaccines and they have crippled children all over the world? and why get a vaccine for a virus with a 99+% chance of survival.

edited to add, they also use parts of 12 week old fetus's to make the vaccine, just not something I want in my system.
Posted By: Bogmaster

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/04/21 12:45 AM

Ridge,not sure where you got your information on the use of 12 week old fetus's --to Make The Vaccines--but so far I have not been able to find the information you have in your post. So far I have read that the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines---Are not derived from fetal cells.
Still looking at information I find.

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/04/21 12:56 AM

Originally Posted by Bogmaster
Ridge,not sure where you got your information on the use of 12 week old fetus's --to Make The Vaccines--but so far I have not been able to find the information you have in your post. So far I have read that the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines---Are not derived from fetal cells.
Still looking at information I find.

I just read it was the J &J one.
Posted By: Lostdrunkhungry

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/04/21 01:52 AM

Didn’t read every post here, but I’ve gotten the jist of it. I’m a new trapper, just started out. But I’ve been a RN for 18 years. I’m now in PACU, and have worked in ICU and ER extensively. I was redeployed to the ICU last March for the skyrocketing Covid numbers and spent 3 months working 4-6 shifts per week. I was redeployed again in mid January from the Christmas peak in numbers and just got back to my home unit Monday.
I can tell you this much: yes the media is selling fear, that’s what they do. Yes the media at every turn tried to undermine Trump. Yes the CDC fumbled, stumbled, and ruined its credibility from the mask mandates alone, amongst a ton of others. Trump also fumbled and underestimated terribly the seriousness of the virus, and downplayed the severity of the situation. HOWEVER: the people (who I tend to align with politically, religiously, and morally) have behaved like entitled brats over (This word is unacceptable on Trapperman) piece of cloth that MAY POTENTIALLY save their life, more importantly, the person they may infect.
What’s not being reported, for whatever reason, is the other crap that happens with Covid. DVT’s are very common, as are strokes, kidney and renal failure, mesenteric ischemia (bowel death from clots), etc. permanent lung damage, long lasting lung scarring, etc. I’ve placed more 35 year old and up patients in body bags than I care to admit. It’s been the worst thing I’ve seen, and I was still in the ICU for H1N1 and swine flu. I coded a 38yo male for an hour Saturday. You know how well a 38yo heart works? It works great. It takes a long time to expire.
Some very interesting studies are being done trying to figure out why some people just get the sniffles, some feel like crap, and some die. Right now there’s been identified a correlation of over 500 mutated genes that most all of us have, but the virus is able to exploit them and derail the bodies’ ability to carry O2 to the body. Very interesting data is coming out, but it will take ions to digest the info in a usable way.
As for the vaccine, I took both. No desire for human brains, no thoughts of being a homo. I did feel like crap after the second shot for about 16 hours. The vaccine is simply the surface proteins of the virus. These proteins allow the virus to pass through the surface of the cell. By injecting the proteins into the muscle, the body assumes it’s a foreign invader and attacks it. By mounting an immune response your body is able to store and remember that protein and how to defeat it. That’s immunity. The booster is to ensure the body mounts a proper response to the protein and remembers it well enough to defeat it. As far as the naysayers that claim the vaccine is poison, or something to that effect, with all forms of conspiracy theory surrounding it, whatever. “Well, that’s just what they’re telling you. How do you KNOW what’s in the vaccine”? I could say the same about that burger you got from McDonald’s, or that cigarette in your mouth, or any other thing that touched or enters our bodies. I’ve researched the Moderna vaccine pretty extensively, I encourage everyone to make up their own mind about it, just make sure you’re fully vetting your sources.
Long winded post, my bad. Tight chains guys, have fun and be safe.
Posted By: countrygun

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/04/21 02:21 AM

The jab does not fall under the legal definition of a vaccine in most states because it is not a biologic (it is not the protein of the virus being injected into you). At least not the Pfizer or Moderna. More akin to gene therapy. To each their own I say.
Posted By: Bruce T

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/04/21 02:34 AM

Do the COVID-19 vaccines contain aborted fetal cells?

Answer from infectious diseases expert James Lawler, MD
However, Pfizer and Moderna did perform confirmation tests (to ensure the vaccines work) using fetal cell lines. And Johnson & Johnson uses fetal cell lines in vaccine development, confirmation and production.
Posted By: Bruce T

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/04/21 02:43 AM

Heres the whole thing.Very eye opening.Says doesn't use actual fetus cells just ones they made up from fetus cells.To me there is no diffrence.

Do the COVID-19 vaccines contain aborted fetal cells?

Answer from infectious diseases expert James Lawler, MD
However, Pfizer and Moderna did perform confirmation tests (to ensure the vaccines work) using fetal cell lines. And Johnson & Johnson uses fetal cell lines in vaccine development, confirmation and production.

But it's important to have the full context: Fetal cell lines are not the same as fetal tissue.

Fetal cell lines are cells that grow in a laboratory. They descend from cells taken from elective abortions in the 1970s and 1980s. Those individual cells from the 1970s and 1980s have since multiplied into many new cells over the past four or five decades, creating fetal cell lines. Current fetal cell lines are thousands of generations removed from the original fetal tissue. They do not contain any tissue from a fetus.

Vaccine makers may use these fetal cell lines in any of the following three stages of vaccine development:

Development: Identifying what works
Confirmation: Making sure it works
Production: Manufacturing the formula that works
When it comes to the COVID-19 vaccines currently approved for emergency use, neither the Pfizer nor Moderna vaccines used fetal cell lines during the development or production phases. (So, no fetal cell lines were used to manufacture the vaccine, and they are not inside the injection you receive from your doctor.) However, both companies used the fetal cell line HEK 293 in the confirmation phase to ensure the vaccines work. All HEK 293 cells are descended from tissue taken from a 1973 elective abortion that took place in the Netherlands.

The Johnson & Johnson vaccine is a bit different. It is an adenovirus vector vaccine. (Adenovirus is the virus that causes the common cold. The virus in this vaccine has been changed so that it does NOT cause illness.) With this type of vaccine, a carrier, in this case adenovirus, acts as a delivery vehicle. The adenovirus has had the coronavirus spike protein added to its DNA. The adenovirus carries that genetic material into your body, delivering its modified DNA to your cells. Your cells will then make the spike protein, activating your immune system. Once activated, your immune system creates antibodies to fight off the spike protein. Here’s an infographic that breaks the process down.

To make their virus vector vaccine, Johnson & Johnson infects PER.C6 fetal cell line cells with adenovirus. All PER.C6 cells used to manufacture the Johnson & Johnson vaccine are descended from tissue taken from a 1985 elective abortion that also took place in the Netherlands. They use this cell line because it is a well-studied industry standard for safe and reliable production of viral vector vaccines.

None of the COVID-19 vaccines in development use fetal cells taken from recent abortions.

We understand this topic is very sensitive and important within communities of faith. We want everyone to feel like they are making a fully informed decision. We encourage anyone with concerns about the use of fetal cell lines in vaccine development to weigh the risks and benefits of the COVID-19 vaccines with their doctor and have a personal conversation with a faith leader.

The Vatican has issued clear guidance that permits Roman Catholics in good faith to receive COVID-19 vaccines that use fetal cell lines in development or production. Read the Vatican's comments on the morality of receiving a COVID-19 vaccine.
Posted By: Outlaw99

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/04/21 02:46 AM

Originally Posted by Lostdrunkhungry
Didn’t read every post here, but I’ve gotten the jist of it. I’m a new trapper, just started out. But I’ve been a RN for 18 years. I’m now in PACU, and have worked in ICU and ER extensively. I was redeployed to the ICU last March for the skyrocketing Covid numbers and spent 3 months working 4-6 shifts per week. I was redeployed again in mid January from the Christmas peak in numbers and just got back to my home unit Monday.
I can tell you this much: yes the media is selling fear, that’s what they do. Yes the media at every turn tried to undermine Trump. Yes the CDC fumbled, stumbled, and ruined its credibility from the mask mandates alone, amongst a ton of others. Trump also fumbled and underestimated terribly the seriousness of the virus, and downplayed the severity of the situation. HOWEVER: the people (who I tend to align with politically, religiously, and morally) have behaved like entitled brats over (This word is unacceptable on Trapperman) piece of cloth that MAY POTENTIALLY save their life, more importantly, the person they may infect.
What’s not being reported, for whatever reason, is the other crap that happens with Covid. DVT’s are very common, as are strokes, kidney and renal failure, mesenteric ischemia (bowel death from clots), etc. permanent lung damage, long lasting lung scarring, etc. I’ve placed more 35 year old and up patients in body bags than I care to admit. It’s been the worst thing I’ve seen, and I was still in the ICU for H1N1 and swine flu. I coded a 38yo male for an hour Saturday. You know how well a 38yo heart works? It works great. It takes a long time to expire.
Some very interesting studies are being done trying to figure out why some people just get the sniffles, some feel like crap, and some die. Right now there’s been identified a correlation of over 500 mutated genes that most all of us have, but the virus is able to exploit them and derail the bodies’ ability to carry O2 to the body. Very interesting data is coming out, but it will take ions to digest the info in a usable way.
As for the vaccine, I took both. No desire for human brains, no thoughts of being a homo. I did feel like crap after the second shot for about 16 hours. The vaccine is simply the surface proteins of the virus. These proteins allow the virus to pass through the surface of the cell. By injecting the proteins into the muscle, the body assumes it’s a foreign invader and attacks it. By mounting an immune response your body is able to store and remember that protein and how to defeat it. That’s immunity. The booster is to ensure the body mounts a proper response to the protein and remembers it well enough to defeat it. As far as the naysayers that claim the vaccine is poison, or something to that effect, with all forms of conspiracy theory surrounding it, whatever. “Well, that’s just what they’re telling you. How do you KNOW what’s in the vaccine”? I could say the same about that burger you got from McDonald’s, or that cigarette in your mouth, or any other thing that touched or enters our bodies. I’ve researched the Moderna vaccine pretty extensively, I encourage everyone to make up their own mind about it, just make sure you’re fully vetting your sources.
Long winded post, my bad. Tight chains guys, have fun and be safe.

Welcome to TMan, appreciate the thoughtful, educated response. I have no opinion either way on the virus or the vaccine; but it’s nice to read a first hand, educated, view of the topic.
Posted By: Bruce T

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/04/21 02:47 AM

What difference does it make if its recent abortions or cells they made up from abortion cells?
Posted By: 330-Trapper

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/04/21 02:50 AM

Posted By: LLtrapper

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/04/21 03:00 AM

I made my own antibodies by getting the virus. I cannot find anything that can tell me how long my immunity lasts but on the other hand no one can tell me how long the vaccine works either. Mine was proven to prevent hospitalizations, serious sickness and death at 100%. LLL
Posted By: Bigbrownie

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/04/21 03:25 AM

Originally Posted by Lostdrunkhungry
Didn’t read every post here, but I’ve gotten the jist of it. I’m a new trapper, just started out. But I’ve been a RN for 18 years. I’m now in PACU, and have worked in ICU and ER extensively. I was redeployed to the ICU last March for the skyrocketing Covid numbers and spent 3 months working 4-6 shifts per week. I was redeployed again in mid January from the Christmas peak in numbers and just got back to my home unit Monday.
I can tell you this much: yes the media is selling fear, that’s what they do. Yes the media at every turn tried to undermine Trump. Yes the CDC fumbled, stumbled, and ruined its credibility from the mask mandates alone, amongst a ton of others. Trump also fumbled and underestimated terribly the seriousness of the virus, and downplayed the severity of the situation. HOWEVER: the people (who I tend to align with politically, religiously, and morally) have behaved like entitled brats over (This word is unacceptable on Trapperman) piece of cloth that MAY POTENTIALLY save their life, more importantly, the person they may infect.
What’s not being reported, for whatever reason, is the other crap that happens with Covid. DVT’s are very common, as are strokes, kidney and renal failure, mesenteric ischemia (bowel death from clots), etc. permanent lung damage, long lasting lung scarring, etc. I’ve placed more 35 year old and up patients in body bags than I care to admit. It’s been the worst thing I’ve seen, and I was still in the ICU for H1N1 and swine flu. I coded a 38yo male for an hour Saturday. You know how well a 38yo heart works? It works great. It takes a long time to expire.
Some very interesting studies are being done trying to figure out why some people just get the sniffles, some feel like crap, and some die. Right now there’s been identified a correlation of over 500 mutated genes that most all of us have, but the virus is able to exploit them and derail the bodies’ ability to carry O2 to the body. Very interesting data is coming out, but it will take ions to digest the info in a usable way.
As for the vaccine, I took both. No desire for human brains, no thoughts of being a homo. I did feel like crap after the second shot for about 16 hours. The vaccine is simply the surface proteins of the virus. These proteins allow the virus to pass through the surface of the cell. By injecting the proteins into the muscle, the body assumes it’s a foreign invader and attacks it. By mounting an immune response your body is able to store and remember that protein and how to defeat it. That’s immunity. The booster is to ensure the body mounts a proper response to the protein and remembers it well enough to defeat it. As far as the naysayers that claim the vaccine is poison, or something to that effect, with all forms of conspiracy theory surrounding it, whatever. “Well, that’s just what they’re telling you. How do you KNOW what’s in the vaccine”? I could say the same about that burger you got from McDonald’s, or that cigarette in your mouth, or any other thing that touched or enters our bodies. I’ve researched the Moderna vaccine pretty extensively, I encourage everyone to make up their own mind about it, just make sure you’re fully vetting your sources.
Long winded post, my bad. Tight chains guys, have fun and be safe.

Best post in this thread. I don’t know you, but somehow I value you opinion ( based on real life experience ) far more than all the talking heads on tv combined. My wife and I both got the first Pfizer shot this afternoon. Welcome to Trapperman.
Posted By: charles

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/04/21 04:03 AM

Only a very small percentage of people die from Covid, but for 512,000 people, they are 100% dead.
Posted By: Ridge Runner1960

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/04/21 10:20 AM

Originally Posted by Bogmaster
Ridge,not sure where you got your information on the use of 12 week old fetus's --to Make The Vaccines--but so far I have not been able to find the information you have in your post. So far I have read that the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines---Are not derived from fetal cells.
Still looking at information I find.



don't use google to search, you will find nothing outside the liberal agenda.
Posted By: west river rogue

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/04/21 11:02 AM

healthcare provider called yesterday to advise me I could get the shot....I told her no thx ill pass!
Posted By: Providence Farm

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/04/21 11:42 AM

Originally Posted by charles
Only a very small percentage of people die from Covid, but for 512,000 people, they are 100% dead.

Only a small % of those died from covid vs died with covid. I personally know of 3 that died of cancer were on hospices given weeks to live. Cancer killed them yet death certificate says cause of death was covid. Similar to a guy in Florida killed in a motorcycle crash. Cause of death covid.

I'm just a peon and do not come on contact with many people and that's 4 I personally know of. So for some reason I Don't buy the numbers.
Posted By: CTobias

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/04/21 01:02 PM

Nothing like a plandemic to whip the sheep into a frenzy.
Posted By: Rat Masterson

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/04/21 01:27 PM

You would have to be pretty gullible to think the US has the second most deaths per capita in the world behind Brazil. Come on man!

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/04/21 01:41 PM

Originally Posted by charles
Only a very small percentage of people die from Covid, but for 512,000 people, they are 100% dead.

They just labelled there cancer, heart attacks, and influenza as chink virus!

I'm gonna muddy the water with FACTS FROM "COVID.CDC.GOV. I know you won't believe facts (truth)

~8000 die in US daily normally.
Cdc lists "deaths from covid every day.
Highest deaths/day was Feb 12th at 5501.
Highest 7 day avg. was ~3300.

The deaths called covid just replaced the flu, heart attacks, and cancer deaths.

No more people in US died than normally die every day.

What u think??
Posted By: ILcooner

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/04/21 01:59 PM

Originally Posted by Lostdrunkhungry
Didn’t read every post here, but I’ve gotten the jist of it. I’m a new trapper, just started out. But I’ve been a RN for 18 years. I’m now in PACU, and have worked in ICU and ER extensively. I was redeployed to the ICU last March for the skyrocketing Covid numbers and spent 3 months working 4-6 shifts per week. I was redeployed again in mid January from the Christmas peak in numbers and just got back to my home unit Monday.
I can tell you this much: yes the media is selling fear, that’s what they do. Yes the media at every turn tried to undermine Trump. Yes the CDC fumbled, stumbled, and ruined its credibility from the mask mandates alone, amongst a ton of others. Trump also fumbled and underestimated terribly the seriousness of the virus, and downplayed the severity of the situation. HOWEVER: the people (who I tend to align with politically, religiously, and morally) have behaved like entitled brats over (This word is unacceptable on Trapperman) piece of cloth that MAY POTENTIALLY save their life, more importantly, the person they may infect.
What’s not being reported, for whatever reason, is the other crap that happens with Covid. DVT’s are very common, as are strokes, kidney and renal failure, mesenteric ischemia (bowel death from clots), etc. permanent lung damage, long lasting lung scarring, etc. I’ve placed more 35 year old and up patients in body bags than I care to admit. It’s been the worst thing I’ve seen, and I was still in the ICU for H1N1 and swine flu. I coded a 38yo male for an hour Saturday. You know how well a 38yo heart works? It works great. It takes a long time to expire.
Some very interesting studies are being done trying to figure out why some people just get the sniffles, some feel like crap, and some die. Right now there’s been identified a correlation of over 500 mutated genes that most all of us have, but the virus is able to exploit them and derail the bodies’ ability to carry O2 to the body. Very interesting data is coming out, but it will take ions to digest the info in a usable way.
As for the vaccine, I took both. No desire for human brains, no thoughts of being a homo. I did feel like crap after the second shot for about 16 hours. The vaccine is simply the surface proteins of the virus. These proteins allow the virus to pass through the surface of the cell. By injecting the proteins into the muscle, the body assumes it’s a foreign invader and attacks it. By mounting an immune response your body is able to store and remember that protein and how to defeat it. That’s immunity. The booster is to ensure the body mounts a proper response to the protein and remembers it well enough to defeat it. As far as the naysayers that claim the vaccine is poison, or something to that effect, with all forms of conspiracy theory surrounding it, whatever. “Well, that’s just what they’re telling you. How do you KNOW what’s in the vaccine”? I could say the same about that burger you got from McDonald’s, or that cigarette in your mouth, or any other thing that touched or enters our bodies. I’ve researched the Moderna vaccine pretty extensively, I encourage everyone to make up their own mind about it, just make sure you’re fully vetting your sources.
Long winded post, my bad. Tight chains guys, have fun and be safe.

Best post on here by a mile. Too many ignorant people posting nonsense and conspiracy theories here.


Thank you!
Posted By: bhugo

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/04/21 02:30 PM

Good website with a lot of information about how the Covid deaths are calculated. Includes a lot of the issues I see people saying complicates the calculation and how it’s handled.

Several of my friends in their 40’s and 50’s have some long lasting severe complications for months now. No end in sight for them. They don’t seem to be getting better. This is no joke. Even if you don’t die, it can really mess with your quality of life. I happily took the vaccine. People should talk to their doctor about this stuff to get good information.


Take care folks.
Posted By: uglyduck

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/04/21 02:31 PM

Originally Posted by GROUSEWIT
Originally Posted by charles
Only a very small percentage of people die from Covid, but for 512,000 people, they are 100% dead.

They just labelled there cancer, heart attacks, and influenza as chink virus!

I'm gonna muddy the water with FACTS FROM "COVID.CDC.GOV. I know you won't believe facts (truth)

~8000 die in US daily normally.
Cdc lists "deaths from covid every day.
Highest deaths/day was Feb 12th at 5501.
Highest 7 day avg. was ~3300.

The deaths called covid just replaced the flu, heart attacks, and cancer deaths.

No more people in US died than normally die every day.

What u think??

it's all about $ money?
Posted By: MJM

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/04/21 02:52 PM

I saw this from our local news. Now realizing?? Wait 4-12 weeks to see?? "Physicians are now realizing the COVID-19 vaccine is setting off an immune response within the body that causes swelling. This kind of swelling on a mammogram usually requires a follow-up or biopsy. Today however, radiologists are asking their patients who are recently vaccinated and experiencing this to wait 4-12 weeks to see if the swelling goes down before panicking."
Posted By: Providence Farm

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/04/21 03:13 PM

Originally Posted by MJM
I saw this from our local news. Now realizing?? Wait 4-12 weeks to see?? "Physicians are now realizing the COVID-19 vaccine is setting off an immune response within the body that causes swelling. This kind of swelling on a mammogram usually requires a follow-up or biopsy. Today however, radiologists are asking their patients who are recently vaccinated and experiencing this to wait 4-12 weeks to see if the swelling goes down before panicking."

Nothing like being part of the first round of animal trials. Roll up your sleeve let's see what this will do.
Posted By: Scuba1

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/04/21 03:19 PM

Considering that I trust the current set of apes running around in DC about as far as I can kick a grand piano up a spiral staircase, I'll decline and say no to pretty much everything that comes from that neck of the woods and manage quite well to ignore that bunch of thugs so far.

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/04/21 03:26 PM

Stories popping up now about people getting cancer scares after taking the vaccine. It's causing swelling that's showing up around lymph nodes and in mammograms
Posted By: Dirt

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/04/21 04:52 PM

Originally Posted by charles
Only a very small percentage of people die from Covid, but for 512,000 people, they are 100% dead.

That would be point 15 percent of the U.S. population. Were the Hospitals overloaded? Here is a percentage that is scary. We printed 23.6% of all the money ever created last year, to save some mostly elderly, unhealthy people. Now 99.85 % of the U.S. population have to deal with this.
Posted By: Massac

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/04/21 05:33 PM

Originally Posted by Trapper7
A lady that helps us at the food shelf said her 84 year old father got both shots. Two weeks later he had surgery, that was three weeks ago since the surgery. He was only to spend a couple of days in the hospital, then go home after the surgery. He started hallucinating after the surgery. He never went home, but is now in a nursing home still with bouts of hallucination. They don't know what's wrong with him. A reaction to the surgery drugs, although they said those would have been out of his body within a couple of days max? A reaction to the drugs in combination with the virus shots he had prior to the surgery? Or, is that just a coincidence having nothing to do with it?

The lady whose father it is, is a retired nurse. She and her husband were going to get the shots for the virus. After seeing what has happened to her father, she's reconsidering her position on the shots.

I'm a nurse and see this frequently with elderly patients. It's a reaction to the anesthetics used during surgery. I've seen it last over a week. If you have a subpar liver the drugs can't be metabolized in your body and can hang around for a while
Posted By: Sprung & Rusty

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/04/21 06:12 PM

Originally Posted by charles
Only a very small percentage of people die from Covid, but for 512,000 people, they are 100% dead.

They died "with" covid. Why don't you vent your anger at where this came from instead of us?
Posted By: ScottW

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/04/21 06:24 PM

Originally Posted by Lostdrunkhungry
Didn’t read every post here, but I’ve gotten the jist of it. I’m a new trapper, just started out. But I’ve been a RN for 18 years. I’m now in PACU, and have worked in ICU and ER extensively. I was redeployed to the ICU last March for the skyrocketing Covid numbers and spent 3 months working 4-6 shifts per week. I was redeployed again in mid January from the Christmas peak in numbers and just got back to my home unit Monday.
I can tell you this much: yes the media is selling fear, that’s what they do. Yes the media at every turn tried to undermine Trump. Yes the CDC fumbled, stumbled, and ruined its credibility from the mask mandates alone, amongst a ton of others. Trump also fumbled and underestimated terribly the seriousness of the virus, and downplayed the severity of the situation. HOWEVER: the people (who I tend to align with politically, religiously, and morally) have behaved like entitled brats over (This word is unacceptable on Trapperman) piece of cloth that MAY POTENTIALLY save their life, more importantly, the person they may infect.
What’s not being reported, for whatever reason, is the other crap that happens with Covid. DVT’s are very common, as are strokes, kidney and renal failure, mesenteric ischemia (bowel death from clots), etc. permanent lung damage, long lasting lung scarring, etc. I’ve placed more 35 year old and up patients in body bags than I care to admit. It’s been the worst thing I’ve seen, and I was still in the ICU for H1N1 and swine flu. I coded a 38yo male for an hour Saturday. You know how well a 38yo heart works? It works great. It takes a long time to expire.
Some very interesting studies are being done trying to figure out why some people just get the sniffles, some feel like crap, and some die. Right now there’s been identified a correlation of over 500 mutated genes that most all of us have, but the virus is able to exploit them and derail the bodies’ ability to carry O2 to the body. Very interesting data is coming out, but it will take ions to digest the info in a usable way.
As for the vaccine, I took both. No desire for human brains, no thoughts of being a homo. I did feel like crap after the second shot for about 16 hours. The vaccine is simply the surface proteins of the virus. These proteins allow the virus to pass through the surface of the cell. By injecting the proteins into the muscle, the body assumes it’s a foreign invader and attacks it. By mounting an immune response your body is able to store and remember that protein and how to defeat it. That’s immunity. The booster is to ensure the body mounts a proper response to the protein and remembers it well enough to defeat it. As far as the naysayers that claim the vaccine is poison, or something to that effect, with all forms of conspiracy theory surrounding it, whatever. “Well, that’s just what they’re telling you. How do you KNOW what’s in the vaccine”? I could say the same about that burger you got from McDonald’s, or that cigarette in your mouth, or any other thing that touched or enters our bodies. I’ve researched the Moderna vaccine pretty extensively, I encourage everyone to make up their own mind about it, just make sure you’re fully vetting your sources.
Long winded post, my bad. Tight chains guys, have fun and be safe.

Thank you for your work and the valued information! Welcome to Tman! Happy trapping! ScottW
Posted By: HobbieTrapper

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/04/21 06:36 PM

After reading all this, who has changed their mind?
Posted By: Lostdrunkhungry

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/04/21 06:39 PM

I’ve encountered a few odd times when a positive test result came back. A RN friend of mine’s adult children were in line at a testing center. They pull up to one spot, register, and pull up a ways down to actually receive the test. While waiting for the test, the center ran out. They were informed to come back 3-4 days later. They received a phone call 2 days later informing them that their tests were positive. They were like no, I never took the test. Then the caller got flustered and told them to quarantine and hung up. Another friend of mine lost his dad to cancer in a hospice center. Cause of death was Covid. He never had a test, he did have stage 4 pancreatic cancer.
I don’t know what to make of that info, like how to process it logically. Is a region or state more financially motivated to have higher Covid numbers? Maybe so. As far as the conspiracy theory that hospitals get paid more for a Covid diagnosis, well of course they do. If we replace your knee it’s gonna take a heck of a lot more instruments, equipment, and expertise than to just do a knee arthroscopy. To care for a Covid patient is extremely labor intensive. The amount of supplies we burn through is mind bending. Just the amount of O2 a patient will require is nuts. We had to bring a Covid positive patient to do a CT. Had to place the patient on a portable ventilator. We burned through 2 brand new tanks of O2 in 25 minutes.
Posted By: Lostdrunkhungry

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/04/21 06:41 PM

I agree 100%. Versed alone hangs out in the elderly for days sometimes. It kinda scrambles their brains for a while, which is why it’s not usually given. Ativan and Xanax as well.
Posted By: Lostdrunkhungry

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/04/21 07:12 PM

I’ll also throw this out there. If you have cancer, or heart disease, or any other serious condition, and you get hit by a car, cancer didn’t kill you, the car did. So if a person has those comorbidities and contracts Covid and dies, they didn’t die of heart failure, they died of Covid. Very close friends of mine have argued this point. When I tell them that I lost a 34yo male patient, they would fire off real quick about what other health issues he had. I’m like, dude, he was 34. He was a bit overweight, he planned on going home to his kids, not wondering if he would die tomorrow of being 30lbs overweight.
As far as the vaccine being rushed, I’m inclined to agree, to a point. But this is also what happens when there’s a bottomless pit of money being thrown at it. From the whole world, not just the U.S. And, maybe more importantly, Trump more or less removed the CDC’s exhaustive red tape that pharmaceutical companies have to cut through and navigate to get a drug approved. One virologist stated that this is how it’s supposed to work. We would all feel more comfortable and confident about the vaccine had it been studied longer, but that wasn’t really an option.
Posted By: Grandpa Trapper

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/04/21 07:46 PM

Originally Posted by bowhunter27295
Originally Posted by charles
Only a very small percentage of people die from Covid, but for 512,000 people, they are 100% dead.

Do you honestly think all of those were directly associated with covid? Do you honestly think there weren't doctors who purposely mislabeled cause of death as covid so their facility could get the $13-39K per patient?

I don’t believe anything the government, CDC, or Fauci and his cohorts tell us. Anything for money, power and control.
Posted By: Cibarius

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/04/21 07:52 PM

My wife is an ER nurse. This covid is so bad that when they get a patient in the ER with symptoms, they DON’T switch to covid protocol. When the patients get the test results back positive they move them to covid care but they won’t tell the nurses. Against HIPA rules. Covid is so bad that they haven’t even had an outbreak in any MN hospital. Now we do have issues with the nurses getting the vaccine and having issues from it. They had mandatory overtime from so many nurses out after getting vaccinated.
Posted By: Ridge Runner1960

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/04/21 10:15 PM

Did anyone read the reports on the PCR tests? 75 to 90% false positives?
Posted By: MnMan

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/04/21 10:18 PM

A close friend of mine just got his second Moderna vaccination and experienced a pretty severe allergic reaction. He had broken out in hives and he had swelling of the lips and throat. He went to the doctor about it and they told him it could have been life threatening. They prescribed steroids for him to treat the allergic reaction and told him that the steroids would lower his resistance to Covid so the steroids were administered sparingly. He feels fine now a week later. Makes me all the more skeptical.
Posted By: Gary Benson

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/05/21 11:44 AM

[Linked Image]
Posted By: walleye101

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/05/21 12:34 PM

Originally Posted by bowhunter27295
Originally Posted by MnMan
A close friend of mine just got his second Moderna vaccination and experienced a pretty severe allergic reaction. He had broken out in hives and he had swelling of the lips and throat. He went to the doctor about it and they told him it could have been life threatening. They prescribed steroids for him to treat the allergic reaction and told him that the steroids would lower his resistance to Covid so the steroids were administered sparingly. He feels fine now a week later. Makes me all the more skeptical.

I am guessing this didn't make the news being as how the experimental vaccine is so safe. Hope your friend feels better.

Now, hypothetically, if a person were to die from the experimental vaccine, I wonder if all of a sudden the co-morbidities would suddenly matter. You know, it was the high blood pressure and diabetes that killed him, not the experimental covid vaccine.

No, the death would surely be complications from covid.

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/05/21 01:46 PM

Originally Posted by Ridge Runner1960
Did anyone read the reports on the PCR tests? 75 to 90% false positives?

The WHO came out shortly after the inauguration that the cycle threshold needed to be lowered . That would rvoartly responsible for the lower cases we're seeing today.
Posted By: 330-Trapper

Re: Those that say No to the vaccine. - 03/05/21 01:47 PM

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