
Makings for another civil war?

Posted By: Gone Trappin.

Makings for another civil war? - 05/31/20 11:42 PM

Are the conditions right, and do you think we are heading for another civil war. I really hope we are not!!
Posted By: Catch22

Re: Makings for another civil war? - 05/31/20 11:44 PM

Oh good grief, what generation are you Mason?
Posted By: Gone Trappin.

Re: Makings for another civil war? - 05/31/20 11:46 PM

Gen z, I know I don’t know a lot about the world because I’m only 14 but I just get worried about some of these things
Posted By: Mike in A-town

Re: Makings for another civil war? - 06/01/20 12:05 AM


Turn off the TV. Put down your phone. Go outside. Mow the yard, go fishing or swimming, work on traps, etc...

A youngster like yourself need not worry about this crap... Trust me, there'll be plenty of time for that later.

Posted By: Catch22

Re: Makings for another civil war? - 06/01/20 12:08 AM

Originally Posted by Mike in A-town

Turn off the TV. Put down your phone. Go outside. Mow the yard, go fishing or swimming, work on traps, etc...

A youngster like yourself need not worry about this crap... Trust me, there'll be plenty of time for that later.


Listen to Mike brother. Research everything, find the truth and then make your stand. Stay gold pony boy!
Posted By: Finster

Re: Makings for another civil war? - 06/01/20 12:10 AM

Originally Posted by Catch22
Originally Posted by Mike in A-town

Turn off the TV. Put down your phone. Go outside. Mow the yard, go fishing or swimming, work on traps, etc...

A youngster like yourself need not worry about this crap... Trust me, there'll be plenty of time for that later.


Listen to Mike brother. Research everything, find the truth and then make your stand. Stay gold pony boy!

laugh "Let's do it for Johnny!"
Posted By: chas3457

Re: Makings for another civil war? - 06/01/20 12:10 AM

Originally Posted by Mike in A-town

Turn off the TV. Put down your phone. Go outside. Mow the yard, go fishing or swimming, work on traps, etc...

A youngster like yourself need not worry about this crap... Trust me, there'll be plenty of time for that later.


Yup ! What he said. Enjoy your youth while you can, cause one day you'll turn around and it will be GONE.

Posted By: danny clifton

Re: Makings for another civil war? - 06/01/20 12:13 AM

The less tv you watch the better your life will be. Same thing for video games. Its coming into summer. Mow a few lawns and make a little money. Do your best to wear out a nice fishing reel, a bicycle, and a pair of boots.

this isnt new. happens every few years. this was 55 years ago. see any similarities?

Posted By: maintenanceguy

Re: Makings for another civil war? - 06/01/20 12:19 AM

Hi Mason. I mean no disrespect - really I don't. At 14, you've probably only been aware of what's happening in the world for a couple of years. All of this seems new, and probably frightening. While some of the details are always different, the world has gone through pandemics, riots, police brutality, and all the other stuff before. Most of us here remember all of this at least a couple of other times. Over the next couple of decades, you'll see things like this again. The only thing that seems to be new is that EVERYTHING is now used as a political weapon. But, it hasn't happened over night, it's been slowly moving that way for the last couple of decades, maybe longer.

To answer your question: I don't think we're heading to civil war.
Posted By: Gone Trappin.

Re: Makings for another civil war? - 06/01/20 12:29 AM

Alright thanks for all the advice guys. I’ve already been wearing out a fishing rod and reel and I see what you mean that this has happened before when I looked at the wiki article. I’m into politics but sometimes I get too into it I think, at least for my age and I get too worried so thanks for the advice.
Posted By: Sprung & Rusty

Re: Makings for another civil war? - 06/01/20 12:56 AM

Originally Posted by Mason Mayer
Gen z, I know I don’t know a lot about the world because I’m only 14 but I just get worried about some of these things

I got a solution for you. Stop watching the news and just have fun doing what 14 year olds do.
Posted By: Gary Benson

Re: Makings for another civil war? - 06/01/20 01:03 AM

I worry too, Mason......and I'm 63. It's a new phase we're entering. Pay attention and learn, but enjoy your next 4 years. Life gets real then.
Posted By: logger coffey

Re: Makings for another civil war? - 06/05/20 02:43 PM

Started thinking about this thread, the more i watch and see im starting to think its very possible.
Posted By: Yes sir

Re: Makings for another civil war? - 06/05/20 02:53 PM

Something is going to have to change or happen. The direction we're going right now doesn't look good.
Posted By: adam m

Re: Makings for another civil war? - 06/05/20 03:59 PM

Yes it is people are calling for blacks to burn America the built for free.
I had a "friend" post this on fb. I ripped him a new one throughout several comments. He is in favor of the tweet he posted. I told my "friend" he's inciting riots hate and terrorism. Long story short he unfriended me because he didn't like me calling him out. I posed several tough questions for him to answer gave another flip side of ther coin then he blocked me hahahaha

This is the tweet he posted on fb . The tweet is not him but what he wants to see.

[Linked Image]
Posted By: Gary Benson

Re: Makings for another civil war? - 06/05/20 04:09 PM

Let them burn themselves out of their own den. They can't see what's coming next.
Posted By: Jasper69

Re: Makings for another civil war? - 06/05/20 04:46 PM

We are already in a civil war ideologically. It will be more complete anarchy instead. Thank the good Lord if you live in a more rural area. The cities will be a mess. Eating their own. Already has started. When the trial ends or if Trump wins in November be ready to buckle your chinstrap.
Posted By: pcr2

Re: Makings for another civil war? - 06/05/20 05:17 PM

i'm headed out on the deck and practice with something big soon off the shooting bench to hone my eye and remind the neighbors who lives here.

aint takin no chances.
Posted By: Law Dog

Re: Makings for another civil war? - 06/05/20 05:39 PM

Send them marches they are destroying their own so let them go for it, the smart ones will fight back when they have had enough. Until then I don’t see how you could help when they are doing it to themselves.
Posted By: Riverotter2

Re: Makings for another civil war? - 06/05/20 05:44 PM

I believe MLK was a peaceful man but Since the assassination of MLK on April 4, 1968 there has been over 130 violent protest in the U.S. Maybe we been in a civil war all along but we been to busy cutting grass and fishing to have notice.

Re: Makings for another civil war? - 06/05/20 05:54 PM

Mason, the guys who tell you to turn off the TV and that includes internet and phone and go fish , hunt trap ect...

you will be happier like that , there is really not much you can do but wring your hands over the tensions in the country right now.

we already have a nation of hand wringers you don't need to join their ranks

I would encourage you to learn cooking from scratch learn to make your family meals from the basics.

fish and cook fish , definitely don't overlook the "garbage fish" pickled suckers are delicious and I just had some carp jerky that was good.

catch some coon , cook up a few and work on your recipes.

learn to fix things , weld , wood working what ever they offer for classes at your school. keep your grades up.

think about what you might like to do as a career after school .

if you get a chance look at attending a Project Appleseed with your parent or relative https://appleseedinfo.org/
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