
39 million N95 face masks SEIU hoarded

Posted By: Ray B

39 million N95 face masks SEIU hoarded - 03/26/20 11:17 PM

Hmm… SEIU Union in California Suddenly Finds Mysterious Stash of 39 Million Face Masks — 3 Days After AG Bill Barr Announces They’re Going After Hoarders


President Trump lead another Coronavirus task force briefing from the White House on Monday evening.

The President was joined by Vice President Mike Pence, US Attorney General Bill Barr and others.

Trump signed a second executive order to providing authority to address hoarding and price gouging that threatens the supply of medical supplies.

Attorney General Bill Barr put hoarders on notice and said they will get a knock on the door if they are sitting on a large amount of supplies.

“We have started to see some evidence of potential hoarding and price gouging,” said Barr. “So, earlier today the president signed a second executive order providing the authority to address…hoarding that threatens the supply of those necessary health and medical resources.”

“If you have a big supply of toilet paper in your house, this is not something you have to worry about. But if you are sitting on a warehouse with masks, surgical masks, you will be hearing a knock on your door,” Barr said.


Attorney General Barr: "If you have a big supply of toilet paper in your house, this is not something you have to worry about. But if you are sitting on a warehouse with masks, surgical masks, you will be hearing a knock on your door."

Full video here: https://t.co/jfuGGc0Nu1 pic.twitter.com/hyqt7MJWAc

— CSPAN (@cspan) March 23, 2020

Then today this happened…

Then on Thursday the SEIU Healthcare Workers West announced they had located a mysterious stash of 39 million N95 face masks.
What wonderful news!
NBC Bay Area reported:

Service Employees International Union United Healthcare Workers West announced Thursday that it located 39 million N95 masks and will make them available to state and local governments and health care systems that are fighting the novel coronavirus outbreak.

The union found a distributor with the masks, which are cleared for surgical use, after pleas from health care workers as new coronavirus cases surge across the state and the country as a whole.

Union officials said they also found a supplier that can produce some 20 million protective masks per week and another that can supply millions of protective face shields.

Here's more detail from the SEIU announcement for those who are asking about it. pic.twitter.com/nsNRJSLWU2

— Noam Scheiber (@noamscheiber) March 26, 2020
Posted By: beeman

Re: 39 million N95 face masks SEIU hoarded - 03/26/20 11:45 PM

How did the old saying go? Something about a tall tree and a short rope.
Posted By: Bob_Iowa

Re: 39 million N95 face masks SEIU hoarded - 03/27/20 12:00 AM

I know 3M is a supplier but dont know who else, pretty bad when the union that health care workers belong to wont give their members the PPE to protect themselves.
Posted By: warrior

Re: 39 million N95 face masks SEIU hoarded - 03/27/20 12:09 AM

Sometimes you wish things would really go south just for the reckoning that is due.

Re: 39 million N95 face masks SEIU hoarded - 03/27/20 12:44 AM

There's 8 at least listed that make n95 masks in the USA, Honeywell and Kimberly Clark are the other names I recognize on the list.
Posted By: Bigfoot

Re: 39 million N95 face masks SEIU hoarded - 03/27/20 01:39 PM

The surgeon general said this morning that Fema and other inspectors were actively looking for stashes of supplies. For instance a warehouse that had 1000 ventilators was found in New York city yesterday . He did not state who the warehouse belonged to
Posted By: nramemb

Re: 39 million N95 face masks SEIU hoarded - 03/27/20 08:07 PM

I saw a news story about a hospital that had a warehouse somewhere and cameras were showing row after row of goods, the rep from hospital was complaining that if the feds didnt get them some supplies they were going to have to start dipping into there stuff.

Dont remember where it was or anything just remember looking at my wife in disbelief and her asking if she heard that right.
Posted By: Sprung & Rusty

Re: 39 million N95 face masks SEIU hoarded - 03/27/20 09:34 PM

I heard on talk radio that the masks that were used during Obubs terms were never replenished.
Posted By: Law Dog

Re: 39 million N95 face masks SEIU hoarded - 03/27/20 09:37 PM

Sounds like NY had a stash of ventilators they “discovered” out of the blue now.
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