
Checking traps after dark

Posted By: TrapperT25

Checking traps after dark - 12/12/18 03:45 AM

Work schedule is obsoletely crazy right now but still want to get some steel in the ground. What is your guys experience with catch rates with checking traps during the day versus before 7 or 8 pm? I’ve always been able to check during the day but have never checked after dark. For me, checking before work is not an option because of my staggering times I go in at.

Coon I know won’t be a problem but yotes is the thing I’m more worried about
Posted By: Tom cat

Re: Checking traps after dark - 12/12/18 03:47 AM

I mainly check my sets after work. And anytime I’ve made a catch it’s there waiting.
Posted By: Castormound

Re: Checking traps after dark - 12/12/18 04:04 AM

Not a problem. I don't like remaking sets in the dark though.
Posted By: TrapperT25

Re: Checking traps after dark - 12/12/18 04:19 AM

That’s good to hear. I’ll have to remake my sets in the dark tho. I guess that’s why head lamps are for!
Posted By: Tactical.20

Re: Checking traps after dark - 12/12/18 04:58 AM

Head lamps are great, here if they see something later in the day they will think you aren't checking the traps
Posted By: AJE

Re: Checking traps after dark - 12/12/18 06:09 AM

You might find releasing an incidental bobcat in the dark a little tricky.
Posted By: LDW

Re: Checking traps after dark - 12/12/18 10:38 AM

I have to check in the dark in the morning before work. Don't like to, but have no choice. No real way of knowing how it affects catch rates, I'm sure I spook off critters. I have a light bar on the sidexside and have headlamps. If I want to trap, this is what I have to do.
Posted By: Kart29

Re: Checking traps after dark - 12/12/18 11:57 AM

I leave the house at 5:00 a.m. and there's just no way I can sustain a schedule of getting up early enough to check traps before work. Not and be able to spend any time with my family at all. So, I almost always check coyote sets after dinner. I have never had any problems with coyotes. However, I do not at all like having a raccoon in a trap all day long. I would much rather take them out of the trap early in the a.m. instead of in the evening. This is for coons in canine sets - not raccoon specific sets.

It is fun to see eyes glowing in the dark as you approach your sets, though.
Posted By: BernieB.

Re: Checking traps after dark - 12/12/18 12:50 PM

Not a good idea to have animals in a foothold all day long. Plus, most animals are most active right at sunset and the first couple hours after dark so you really increase your risk of running things off when checking traps.
Posted By: cci

Re: Checking traps after dark - 12/12/18 02:04 PM

Too many thieves here.
Posted By: Macthediver

Re: Checking traps after dark - 12/12/18 03:53 PM

This question comes up all the time. My take on it is check traps when you can or have too. As long as your laws allow you to check in the dark do it if you have to. People say you don't want critter sitting in trap all day. Those people apparently have never had enough traps out that it take all day, start in the dark finish in the dark, to run them. Some people where allowed set up two lines on two day check. In both those cases some critter is always first in the morning or last at night maybe even sitting there 48hrs.
The thing I think that really needs done in day light is the scouting. You set a trap in the dark, maybe realize in the light it should have been 20 feet or yards one way or the other.
Set and check when you have time and your with in your laws.

Posted By: Lazarus

Re: Checking traps after dark - 12/12/18 03:58 PM

I check most of my stuff in the dark but I have a dog. I like checking in the dark but don’t like setting new traps in the dark. I also don’t like happening on a lion in the dark so that’s where the dog comes in handy. As far as catch rates, it doesn’t make any difference.
Posted By: Tactical.20

Re: Checking traps after dark - 12/12/18 04:17 PM

I Know when I was snareing fox I started checking them before daylight, several times I saw their eyes and they took off, before they hit my snares, so I started to check after daylight, fox are usually curled up and asleep by 8 am, coyotes sometimes are still up and moving at 10-10:30
Posted By: tjm

Re: Checking traps after dark - 12/12/18 04:20 PM

I'd rather check at 2-4AM, when working, but no matter when you check or set the traps there will be one or more animal that gets caught 10 minutes later and has to wait til the next round. I think critters struggle more during lighted hours than in the dark, so I'd rather not have them out there.
I also think the hours of dusk to midnight are the most active times for most furbearers, so if checking in the evenings I postpone it til late evening 10-12PM. Or well before dusk.
In the end you do what you have to.
Posted By: NvHermit

Re: Checking traps after dark - 12/12/18 04:37 PM

I wait a couple hours after sunrise
Posted By: strike2x

Re: Checking traps after dark - 12/12/18 05:04 PM

I just don't work during trapping season . Lol. Seriously though, I try to wait until daylight to check. Everything about daylight makes it easier. Today I had an opossum in a bobcat cubby. If I had been checking in the dark I may have had a bad situation since there was a bobcat in the second trap hiding behind what was left of the cubby. I just plain like daylight. Headlamps and other artificial light don't come close. My personal preference. I say do what works for you. If you had no opt but to check in dark I would because I am not going to stop trapping.
Posted By: Siegs

Re: Checking traps after dark - 12/12/18 06:11 PM

I check most of my traps early morning, I recommend a very bright a pretty portable flashlight. Water trapping in the dark is a little weird though.
Posted By: Jurassic Park

Re: Checking traps after dark - 12/12/18 06:24 PM

Originally Posted by Castormound
Not a problem. I don't like remaking sets in the dark though.

Do you also get that feeling when making sets in the dark there’s something right behind you ready to jump on your back and bite your neck?
I made some dirthole sets a few times in the dark. Prob took me 20 mins to finish the set. Kept looking over my shoulder lol!
Posted By: Bob Jameson

Re: Checking traps after dark - 12/12/18 06:29 PM

I have run off enough animals in my lifetime that could have been potentially caught by checking after dark or way before dawn. Some of those animals may be caught another day but some may not. It is my experience most predators are on the move an hour or so prior to darkness. They get anxious to get moving for dinner to beat the rush so to speak for a few hours then they may get social with scouting and socializing with any others that they know will be out and about as well.

I prefer if possible to run my lines in the majority daylight hours. Starting an hour or so pre dawn has been my comfort zone for the most part. Having a few cats on long chains or cable drags go up trees or elevated on other objects upon approach prior to good seeing light presents a bit too much excitement for me at my age now. smile
Posted By: TrapperT25

Re: Checking traps after dark - 12/13/18 01:04 AM

Originally Posted by AJE
You might find releasing an incidental bobcat in the dark a little tricky.

Good thing I don’t have any cats around here. Only in more southern counties of Ohio are there a lot of cats. And I have no other option but to check after dark. I go into work from anywhere between 4 and 7 am. And never leave before 5. I get an hour lunch but rarely take it. That’s the problem with running a third of a 14 million dollar business.... with only 3 ppl. But I got no other options so I’ll do it. Just didn’t know if any one has notice catch rates go down.
Posted By: Tactical.20

Re: Checking traps after dark - 12/13/18 09:24 PM

Easy to release cats or dogs with a catch pole, dark or not
Posted By: cathryn

Re: Checking traps after dark - 12/13/18 09:40 PM

If releasing a cat remember they are more delicate than canines....and can be choked down with alot less effort..just make sure it doesnt double back on you when you release them. It can get hairy,lol

I have a friend In Ashtabula county who has caught cats before and we saw one smacked on 35 a couple weeks ago
Posted By: WIgray

Re: Checking traps after dark - 12/13/18 09:51 PM

I've also gotta check traps in the dark. I scout & make my sets with daylight on weekends when I can and pretty much leave em til I can get daylight again regardless if they're hot sets or not. I'm sure there's many on here that don't see any daylight outside of work thru the winter months.
Just a couple weeks ago I had a beaver pretty much slapping my you know while I was chest deep bringing his brother back across the river channel. Dark, headlamp reflecting off the water, yeah I got in a hurry quick. I caught that one that night, probably before my taillights were gone.
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