
Ted Nugent Interview Today: ammo against the anti

Posted By: nyhuntfish

Ted Nugent Interview Today: ammo against the anti - 06/28/18 11:48 PM

Here you go...

Posted By: Finster

Re: Ted Nugent Interview Today: ammo against the anti - 06/29/18 12:30 AM

3 and a half hours??? Give us the highlights please. I may not live another 3 and a half hours. grin
Posted By: AntiGov

Re: Ted Nugent Interview Today: ammo against the anti - 06/29/18 12:41 AM

I like Ted but after 5 minutes I realized it was 3.5 hrs long ..................so I'll never know what ol Ted said
Posted By: nyhuntfish

Re: Ted Nugent Interview Today: ammo against the anti - 06/29/18 12:44 AM

Ok, I'll add the clips to match those bullet points. Check that link in 10 minutes...

Posted By: nyhuntfish

Re: Ted Nugent Interview Today: ammo against the anti - 06/29/18 12:50 AM

Ok done.
Posted By: gryhkl

Re: Ted Nugent Interview Today: ammo against the anti - 06/29/18 01:02 AM

You can watch the parts from the show that interest you on youtube.
Posted By: Marty

Re: Ted Nugent Interview Today: ammo against the anti - 06/29/18 01:13 AM

I cannot listen to the fellow for 30 seconds...
Posted By: Jarhead620

Re: Ted Nugent Interview Today: ammo against the anti - 06/29/18 04:11 PM

I agree with Marty. Nugent is a draft dodging blowhard.

Posted By: Donnersurvivor

Re: Ted Nugent Interview Today: ammo against the anti - 06/29/18 05:32 PM

Originally Posted By: Jarhead620
I agree with Marty. Nugent is a draft dodging blowhard.


He address's that in the end of the interview but dont let facts or having both sides of a story get in your way...
Posted By: Marty

Re: Ted Nugent Interview Today: ammo against the anti - 06/29/18 07:32 PM

Originally Posted By: Donnersurvivor

He address's that in the end of the interview but dont let facts or having both sides of a story get in your way...

Read his rolling stone interview from years ago....
Posted By: kickingbird

Re: Ted Nugent Interview Today: ammo against the anti - 06/29/18 09:51 PM

Draft DODGER !! Period.
Posted By: coydog2

Re: Ted Nugent Interview Today: ammo against the anti - 06/29/18 10:03 PM

Here is a write up on him and said about what he did to get out of the draft. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ted_Nugent just go down more on the write up of what he did .
Posted By: chas3457

Re: Ted Nugent Interview Today: ammo against the anti - 06/29/18 10:05 PM

Originally Posted By: kickingbird
Draft DODGER !! Period.

Do you know him personally? Were you there to see the alleged dodging?


Just spreading lousy leftist lies. sick

Posted By: Donnersurvivor

Re: Ted Nugent Interview Today: ammo against the anti - 06/29/18 10:23 PM

Originally Posted By: Marty
Originally Posted By: Donnersurvivor

He address's that in the end of the interview but dont let facts or having both sides of a story get in your way...

Read his rolling stone interview from years ago....

He addresses this in his interview, watch the last 7 minutes, or keep lying about the guy I do not care either way its on you.
Posted By: WisconsinCooner

Re: Ted Nugent Interview Today: ammo against the anti - 06/29/18 10:38 PM

I had it playing at work today. I enjoyed it. It made me laugh a few time.
A few funnys from it.
“I had the song bird slam by the age of 8.”
“ if your not peeing off the a-holes your the a-hole.”
Posted By: Marty

Re: Ted Nugent Interview Today: ammo against the anti - 06/29/18 11:06 PM

Originally Posted By: Donnersurvivor

He addresses this in his interview, watch the last 7 minutes, or keep lying about the guy I do not care either way its on you.

I am not listening to 10 seconds of his drivel. What lie did I tell?

All I said was to read what HE said years ago in his rolling stone interview. Which is:

He crapped and peed in his clothes for weeks and never bathed or changed clothes for weeks before he reported for induction.

He is a mouth which flaps only for his best interest. That my opinion, neither true or untrue but certainly not a lie.
Posted By: hippie

Re: Ted Nugent Interview Today: ammo against the anti - 06/29/18 11:19 PM

Wrong magazine Marty.
Posted By: chas3457

Re: Ted Nugent Interview Today: ammo against the anti - 06/29/18 11:24 PM

Marty, We are in agreement 99.9999 percent of the time, but not this time.

He supports and preforms for our troops, supports hunting, fishing, and TRAPPING, along with being a staunch Second Amendment supporter.

Anything he said to some magazine reporters was BULL SCHEiSE, because they were 'stoned' and wouldn't get what he said right anyway. He was just jerking them around.

Posted By: Marty

Re: Ted Nugent Interview Today: ammo against the anti - 06/30/18 12:26 AM

Originally Posted By: hippie
Wrong magazine Marty.

Yes, High Times interview not rolling stone:

I got my physical notice 30 days prior to. Well, on that day I ceased cleansing my body. No more brushing my teeth, no more washing my hair, no baths, no soap, no water. Thirty days of debris build. I stopped shavin’ and I was 18, had a little scraggly beard, really looked like a hippie. I had long hair, and it started gettin’ kinky, matted up. Then two weeks before, I stopped eating any food with nutritional value. I just had chips, Pepsi, beer-stuff I never touched-buttered poop, little jars of Polish sausages, and I’d drink the syrup, I was this side of death, Then a week before, I stopped going to the bathroom. I did it in my pants. poop, (This word is unacceptable on Trapperman) the whole shot. My pants got crusted up.

See, I approached the whole thing like, Ted Nugent, cool hard-workin’ dude, is gonna wreak havoc on these imbeciles in the armed forces. I’m gonna play their own game, and I’m gonna destroy ’em. Now my whole body is crusted in poop and (This word is unacceptable on Trapperman). I was ill. And three or four days before, I started stayin’ awake. I was close to death, but I was in control. I was extremely antidrug as I’ve always been, but I snorted some crystal methedrine. Talk about one wounded motherf*cker. A guy put up four lines, and it was for all four of us, but I didn’t know and I’m vacuuming that poop right up. I was a walking, talking hunk of human poop. I was six-foot-three of sin. So the guys took me down to the physical, and my nerves, my emotions were distraught. I was not a good person. I was wounded. But as painful and nauseous as it was — ’cause I was really into bein’ clean and on the ball — I made gutter swine hippies look like football players. I was deviano.

So I went in, and those guys in uniform couldn’t believe the smell. They were ridiculin’ me and pushin’ me around and I was cryin’, but all the time I was laughin’ to myself. When they stuck the needle in my arm for the blood test I passed out, and when I came to they were kicking me into the wall. Then they made everybody take off their pants, and I did, and this sergeant says, “Oh my God, put those back on! You f*cking swine you!” Then they had a urine test and I couldn’t (This word is unacceptable on Trapperman), But my poop was just like ooze, man, so I poop in the cup and put it on the counter. I had poop on my hand and my arm. The guy almost puked. I was so proud. I knew I had these chumps beat. The last thing I remember was wakin’ up in the ear test booth and they were sweepin’ up. So I went home and cleaned up.

They took a putty knife to me. I got the street rats out of my hair, ate some good steaks, beans, potatoes, cottage cheese, milk. A couple of days and I was ready to kick (This word is unacceptable on Trapperman). And in the mail I got this big juicy 4-F. They’d call dead people before they’d call my (This word is unacceptable on Trapperman). But you know the funny thing about it? I’d make an incredible army man. I’d be a colonel before you knew what hit you, and I’d have the baddest bunch of motherf*ckin’ killers you’d ever seen in my platoon. But I just wasn’t into it. I was too busy doin’ my own thing, you know?
Posted By: Catch22

Re: Ted Nugent Interview Today: ammo against the anti - 06/30/18 12:33 AM

Originally Posted By: hippie
Wrong magazine Marty.

Wrong everything!
Posted By: Marty

Re: Ted Nugent Interview Today: ammo against the anti - 06/30/18 12:35 AM

This is interesting from Snopes:

An analysis of Ted Nugent’s Selective Service classification record doesn’t prove or disprove either version of the story. He did indeed receive a high school student deferment (1-S) in 1967 and then (as he stated) a college student deferment (2-S) in 1968. However, he was reclassified as “available for military service” (1-A) in 1969 and then subsequently rejected as a result of a physical examination and given a 1-Y classification. (The 1-Y classification denoted persons “qualified for service only in time of war or national emergency” and was generally assigned to registrants who had exhibited medical conditions that were limiting but not disabling.) After the 1-Y classification was eliminated by the Selective Service at the end of 1971, Nugent was reclassified as 4-F (“registrant not qualified for any military service”).

So, Ted Nugent did have a student deferment for part of the time he was eligible for the Vietnam-era draft, but he also did fail a physical examination and receive a medical exemption (which, as far as we know, he has neither acknowledged nor explained).......( I will add here that the High Times interview does explain this)......But in the absence of more specific information about the results of that physical examination and the reasons for his medical exemption, it cannot be ascertained how truthful the account Nugent gave to High Times magazine back in 1977 might be. (Ted Nugent’s press representative did not respond to a request for additional information about this subject.)
Posted By: Marty

Re: Ted Nugent Interview Today: ammo against the anti - 06/30/18 12:40 AM

Originally Posted By: Catch22
Originally Posted By: hippie
Wrong magazine Marty.

Wrong everything!

Actually the facts are correct. His words in the interview which he did not say he was misquoted in after its release.

His selective service record has him rejected as a result of physical examination in 1969.....which jives with the story.

He also admitted in an interview with Creem magazine that he took crystal meth before that physical.

". And one line of crystal methedrine before my draft physical". His words.

Of course now he denies everything he said then....because it is in his best interest. He never denied it back then because that was in his best interest.

Posted By: Catch22

Re: Ted Nugent Interview Today: ammo against the anti - 06/30/18 12:50 AM

How would you know what he said, you said you won't listen to him lol.
Posted By: Marty

Re: Ted Nugent Interview Today: ammo against the anti - 06/30/18 12:53 AM

Originally Posted By: Catch22
How would you know what he said, you said you won't listen to him lol.

I do not listen to his bumb (This word is unacceptable on Trapperman), but I know how to read and research....plus I have a good memory, other than getting some magazine names mixed up.

I am waiting for you to back up your statement that I had WRONG EVERYTHING with some facts.

Originally Posted By: Catch22
Originally Posted By: hippie
Wrong magazine Marty.

Wrong everything!

Other than what he claims now..
Posted By: Catch22

Re: Ted Nugent Interview Today: ammo against the anti - 06/30/18 01:08 AM

Listen to him and get the real facts, creem and hightimes aren't gospel lol.
Posted By: Marty

Re: Ted Nugent Interview Today: ammo against the anti - 06/30/18 03:35 AM

Originally Posted By: Catch22
Listen to him and get the real facts, creem and hightimes aren't gospel lol.

Yup, get HIS real facts......that's a joke. His facts differ from the selective service records. Kinda casts a shadow on them being facts.

If the Creem and High Times interviews were false why did he not correct that information at the time they were published?
Posted By: 330-Trapper

Re: Ted Nugent Interview Today: ammo against the anti - 06/30/18 10:33 AM

I Like Ted...
Posted By: Getting There

Re: Ted Nugent Interview Today: ammo against the anti - 06/30/18 11:28 AM

Marty, a lot of B.S. for only listing for 30 sec. He does not beat around the bush! JMO
Posted By: gryhkl

Re: Ted Nugent Interview Today: ammo against the anti - 06/30/18 12:26 PM

He would not serve. He bragged about dodging the draft because he thought it would make him look cool to his audience.
When he saw his mediocre rock act fading, he looked for a gimmick to gain a following. He thought he could fool the the group that thinks of themselves as proud "ignorant red-necks". His draft dodging past does not fit in with the image he tries to cultivate, so he is now trying to deny he did what he was so proud of doing earlier.

How any thinking human can look at nugent as anything more than publicity seeking loud mouth is beyond me.
Besides, didn't he say he'd be dead or in jail if Obama was reelected????? The man is a liar.
Posted By: racerboy108

Re: Ted Nugent Interview Today: ammo against the anti - 06/30/18 01:55 PM

If what Marty says happened then Ted is a coward at best. Anyone that has served and fought can't tolerate people like that.

Don't matter what he does today as he sold himself out years ago if it's true.

I liked Ted but this would change my thoughts on that.
Posted By: Jerry Jr.

Re: Ted Nugent Interview Today: ammo against the anti - 06/30/18 02:03 PM

Hasn't he done alot of stuff for the great outdoors and the 2nd?
Posted By: Camohoyt340

Re: Ted Nugent Interview Today: ammo against the anti - 06/30/18 02:06 PM

Originally Posted By: Marty
Originally Posted By: Catch22
Listen to him and get the real facts, creem and hightimes aren't gospel lol.

Yup, get HIS real facts......that's a joke. His facts differ from the selective service records. Kinda casts a shadow on them being facts.

If the Creem and High Times interviews were false why did he not correct that information at the time they were published?

You believe the excellent journalism at High Times magazine? Some of you people are total hypocrites. There is a man out there pushing for almost everything that we believe in. He mentioned trapping numerous times in the interview. The interview was three and a half hours long. If some of you can’t figure out how to listen to an interview while doing something else then you need help. Man I can’t believe the people here who are so darn negative all the time. Nobody is perfect. I can’t think of anyone here who is going on the Joe Rogan show pushing trapping. Whatever.
Posted By: Getting There

Re: Ted Nugent Interview Today: ammo against the anti - 06/30/18 02:36 PM

How about Cassius Clay the great boxer. How about Jane Fonda.
Posted By: gryhkl

Re: Ted Nugent Interview Today: ammo against the anti - 06/30/18 02:40 PM

Originally Posted By: Getting There
How about Cassius Clay the great boxer. How about Jane Fonda.

Ted is as bad as either of them, and his crazy loud mouthed self promotion hurts hunters and gun owners.
Posted By: hippie

Re: Ted Nugent Interview Today: ammo against the anti - 06/30/18 02:55 PM

He's almost the bottom of the barrel, but still head and shoulders above a democrat voter that votes for people who'd take our guns in a heart-beat.
Posted By: FlyinFinn

Re: Ted Nugent Interview Today: ammo against the anti - 06/30/18 03:17 PM

The selective service act is about as anti-american as it gets, in my opinion. My opinion has changed drastically about it. At one time I believed that citizens had a solemn duty to lay down their lives at the alter of freedom when demanded. At one time in our republic that may have been right, proper and moral. It is hard to say for sure because I did not live through them. I believe the most basic trait of what it is that makes one American is respect of the individual over the collective. That the individual owns and is responsible for his body is a pretty important thing when you get thinking about it.
Having said that, one might think I am anti-war (I am) and am naive about what it takes to keep our country free. I would offer that none of our current conflicts keep us free and have, in fact, made us less free. In regards to future conflicts or war (if we ever bother to declare one again), it is imperative that those politicians who need military fighting men be eloquent enough to explain to 18-30 year olds exactly why they need to fight, and what is worth fighting for in order to induce them to fight without compulsion, threat of force and with a happy heart. What a concept.
In regards to Ted Nugent being a draft dodger, well whatever.
Posted By: Calvin

Re: Ted Nugent Interview Today: ammo against the anti - 06/30/18 03:20 PM

Originally Posted By: 330-Trapper
I Like Ted...

Me too.

Not so sure I can hold much against a guy for doing something I don't agree with, what 40 years ago? 18 years olds are suppose to be stupid. Least I was.

Today, hasn't he been a strong supporter of our military?
Posted By: Rat Masterson

Re: Ted Nugent Interview Today: ammo against the anti - 06/30/18 03:28 PM

Cat scratch fever.
Posted By: Chamacat

Re: Ted Nugent Interview Today: ammo against the anti - 06/30/18 03:44 PM

Originally Posted By: FlyinFinn
The selective service act is about as anti-american as it gets, in my opinion. My opinion has changed drastically about it. At one time I believed that citizens had a solemn duty to lay down their lives at the alter of freedom when demanded. At one time in our republic that may have been right, proper and moral. It is hard to say for sure because I did not live through them. I believe the most basic trait of what it is that makes one American is respect of the individual over the collective. That the individual owns and is responsible for his body is a pretty important thing when you get thinking about it.
Having said that, one might think I am anti-war (I am) and am naive about what it takes to keep our country free. I would offer that none of our current conflicts keep us free and have, in fact, made us less free. In regards to future conflicts or war (if we ever bother to declare one again), it is imperative that those politicians who need military fighting men be eloquent enough to explain to 18-30 year olds exactly why they need to fight, and what is worth fighting for in order to induce them to fight without compulsion, threat of force and with a happy heart. What a concept.
In regards to Ted Nugent being a draft dodger, well whatever.

Yep..I agree 100% and then some..I have had many a job that I drug up on. I even to this day tell anyone that thinks they have any control over me even at the slightest hint of telling me anything. I HAVE THE LAST SAY-SO IN WHAT I WILL DO OR NOT DO..any time..everytime...
Posted By: Grandpa Trapper

Re: Ted Nugent Interview Today: ammo against the anti - 06/30/18 06:17 PM

Originally Posted By: 330-Trapper
I Like Ted...

Me too.
Posted By: Castormound

Re: Ted Nugent Interview Today: ammo against the anti - 06/30/18 06:25 PM

Someones true colors showed up today. Cream, Rolling Stone, High Times ect, what great bastions of journalism.
Posted By: Marty

Re: Ted Nugent Interview Today: ammo against the anti - 06/30/18 06:42 PM

Nugent gave the interviews and his selective service records do not match with his current story, they match with those interviews.

He could have cleared up any mistakes in those interviews when they were published.

You see, interview is when someone talks in their own words.....don't matter much who publishes someone swords they are still that persons words.
Posted By: Castormound

Re: Ted Nugent Interview Today: ammo against the anti - 06/30/18 06:56 PM

Isn't northeast Kansas where Manhattan and Lawrence are?
Posted By: Camohoyt340

Re: Ted Nugent Interview Today: ammo against the anti - 06/30/18 08:59 PM

This whole argument is funny. People won’t listen to the interview. Then they use magazines such as High Times for their primary source of information. I mean, throughout history I cannot think of one single instance of a “news source” twisting somebody’s words around to suit their narrative. It doesn’t really matter what you think of the guy, he just promoted trapping, hunting, fishing and defended the second amendment on a show that gets over 90 million downloads per month. What have you been doing to promote those views? Besides running your mouth on here?
Posted By: Catch22

Re: Ted Nugent Interview Today: ammo against the anti - 06/30/18 11:18 PM

Originally Posted By: Camohoyt340
This whole argument is funny. People won’t listen to the interview. Then they use magazines such as High Times for their primary source of information. I mean, throughout history I cannot think of one single instance of a “news source” twisting somebody’s words around to suit their narrative. It doesn’t really matter what you think of the guy, he just promoted trapping, hunting, fishing and defended the second amendment on a show that gets over 90 million downloads per month. What have you been doing to promote those views? Besides running your mouth on here?

Posted By: danny clifton

Re: Ted Nugent Interview Today: ammo against the anti - 06/30/18 11:27 PM

ted should have stuck with what he is good at
Posted By: AJE

Re: Ted Nugent Interview Today: ammo against the anti - 06/30/18 11:33 PM

While it wasn't the intention of this thread, I think 1 can conclude that a discussion about Ted kinda shows that he is seen by a sizable % of people as a rather controversial figure.

NRA Member
Posted By: Calvin

Re: Ted Nugent Interview Today: ammo against the anti - 07/01/18 12:29 AM

Here ya go....Sounds like the article above is more fake news.

Posted By: Marty

Re: Ted Nugent Interview Today: ammo against the anti - 07/01/18 01:04 AM

Originally Posted By: Camohoyt340
This whole argument is funny. People won’t listen to the interview. Then they use magazines such as High Times for their primary source of information. I mean, throughout history I cannot think of one single instance of a “news source” twisting somebody’s words around to suit their narrative. It doesn’t really matter what you think of the guy, he just promoted trapping, hunting, fishing and defended the second amendment on a show that gets over 90 million downloads per month. What have you been doing to promote those views? Besides running your mouth on here?

If it does not matter what I think of the guy what is all the fuss about?

You may not care what he did to dodge his service in nam but I do. How many of your family and friends were drafted and sent there to die? Did you know one person who served their draft time with honor and died in nam?

Now he is your god because he self promotes using firearm and hunting. I am happy for you. My view is that he is self promoting, if some of you feel he is doing all this for the good of others it is your option to believe that. My opinion is he is a showman making a show to promote himself.

You need a hero and choose this fellow that's your option. I will pass on that, thou.

Aside from the fact that all I did was say I don't care to hear him talk. Because of that I got chided...then I put up his interviews...his words. I never said a thing about it from my point of view....just some facts and for that I am some terrible person who lives in libtown.....what a joke.

But your for a great America where nugent is god and us other folks need to keep our mouths shut......no thanks, I will pass on that also.

I thought he said he would be dead or in prison if bo won a second term? That's your hero....not even a man of his word, all mouth for some publicity.

I can look that up also if you folks don't know what I am talking about.

I will skip really saying what I think about this fellow because I don't want to go there this evening.

Posted By: seniortrap

Re: Ted Nugent Interview Today: ammo against the anti - 07/01/18 02:42 PM

Chamacat: A good candidate for the Marines!

Needs some discipline by a DI! Like Full Metal Jacket.
Posted By: Getting There

Re: Ted Nugent Interview Today: ammo against the anti - 07/01/18 05:59 PM

Ted is like liverwurst, you like it or you don't, I like Ted. JMO
Posted By: canebrake

Re: Ted Nugent Interview Today: ammo against the anti - 07/01/18 06:11 PM

Nugent has done more to protect our 2nd Amendment rights than any of these internet tuff guys on Trapperman will ever dream of doing.
Posted By: racerboy108

Re: Ted Nugent Interview Today: ammo against the anti - 07/01/18 06:25 PM

Originally Posted By: canebrake
Nugent has done more to protect our 2nd Amendment rights than any of these internet tuff guys on Trapperman will ever dream of doing.

Not true.

Yes he is a big advocate. But anyone that has ever served and fought for our country are the true hero's of our freedom rights
Posted By: Tweed

Re: Ted Nugent Interview Today: ammo against the anti - 07/01/18 06:25 PM

Didnt the guy used to sing songs glorifying pedophilia and adopted some kid so he could have sex with her or am I getting mixed up with Woody Allen?
Posted By: WisconsinCooner

Re: Ted Nugent Interview Today: ammo against the anti - 07/01/18 09:10 PM

Originally Posted By: Tweed
Didnt the guy used to sing songs glorifying pedophilia and adopted some kid so he could have sex with her or am I getting mixed up with Woody Allen?

Don’t know if he sing about it but there was a rumor of him adopting his girlfriend.
He addressed it in the podcast. He said it’s a crazy story someone made up.
Posted By: gryhkl

Re: Ted Nugent Interview Today: ammo against the anti - 07/01/18 09:45 PM

You ted nugent fans should do a search for:the-five-most-repellent-things-ted-nugent-has-ever-done. The guy is real hero material.
Posted By: Anglinscreek

Re: Ted Nugent Interview Today: ammo against the anti - 07/03/18 10:56 PM

It is wrong for Ted to seek a deferment but the same judgement is not used for Trump to seek a deferment.
Posted By: YamaCat

Re: Ted Nugent Interview Today: ammo against the anti - 07/04/18 01:28 AM

Not just Trump ! Money helped keep some from being drafted but let’s not forget religion.
Posted By: Tweed

Re: Ted Nugent Interview Today: ammo against the anti - 07/04/18 03:43 AM

Originally Posted By: YamaCat
Not just Trump ! Money helped keep some from being drafted but let’s not forget religion.

There were also plenty that used their religious beliefs but the exemption was denied so they chose jail. Big difference than the guys that lied their way out to walk around free.
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