
Tainting beaver meat

Posted By: Kudluna5

Tainting beaver meat - 06/21/18 09:40 AM

Good day, I'm a trapper from the NWT and I'd like to know how to taint beaver meat for trapping.
I have 22 beavers in my freezer quartered and in individual garbage bags. I plan on using this bait for marten and wolverine.
I also have plenty of castors I'd like to use for lure. I plan to make up a bunch of fish oil from Inconnu (a very fatty whitefish) and mix that with some skunk essence, I'd just like to implement the castors.
I'm very new to bait and lure making. Trapping so far has been using fresh beaver with commercial lures with sufficient results.
Posted By: danny clifton

Re: Tainting beaver meat - 06/21/18 09:55 AM

I never trapped wolverine. I have always used beaver meat fresh for marten with a little lure ontop the box my 120 is in
Posted By: ThisIsNotaStep

Re: Tainting beaver meat - 06/21/18 11:38 AM

Don't waist that castor on lure, 22 beavers worth of castor is about 150-200 bucks worth right now!
Posted By: Ryan McLeod

Re: Tainting beaver meat - 06/22/18 07:06 PM

Make lure. one marten or wolverine and youll make more than the castor is worth. Where in NWT are you from? Aklavik/Inuvik here.
Posted By: Kudluna5

Re: Tainting beaver meat - 06/29/18 06:00 AM

Yellowknife! Planning on making a marten and wolverine killing this season (fingers crossed). Any suggestions on what to do with the castors and prepping the beaver meat for the coming months?
Posted By: newfox1

Re: Tainting beaver meat - 06/29/18 11:54 AM

Ryan will set you on the right path,he is a trapping machine.
Posted By: yukonal

Re: Tainting beaver meat - 06/30/18 01:03 PM

The bait and lure formulating forum should be a big help for you.

But here it is in a nut shell...and I just got done doing 5 gallons worth.

1) Grind meat in a grinder, coarse plate. You can also cut up into chunks.

2) Throw in a bucket, seal bucket, and have a way to bleed off gas.

3) Taint for your desired amount of time/taint/smell.

4) Add bait solution, or your choice of ingredients.

5) "Fix" it, let it gas off, and bottle it.

Just my method, after tainting beaver meat for a few years. Others may have different ways of doing it. wink
Posted By: Law Dog

Re: Tainting beaver meat - 06/30/18 02:34 PM

Just learn the difference between tainting and rotting a bait some folks think it's the same thing and it's the difference between a "sweet taint" smell and a rank rotten odor!
Posted By: Boco

Re: Tainting beaver meat - 06/30/18 05:26 PM

I will taint meat by a couple methods.One is right at the jackpot snare site.Dig a hole at your jackpot big enough to bury 3 or 4 beaver carcasses in the fall before freeze up(if you are short of beaver carcasses,you can make your sets with the guts).Make sure they are buried with about 2 feet of cover.When you fill in the hole to cover the carcasses,stand up a pole about 3 inch diameter on top of the carcasses.After the ground freezes take a sledge and whack the pole to loosen it and pry it up out of the frozen ground with tommy bar.You can set the hole with a foot trap,but its best as a draw at a snare jackpot in conjunction with fresh bait.If you bury it early enough it will taint in the hole,but you may need to cover it with heavy brush to keep animals from digging it up before freeze up.

Another way which I like to do is,in early october gut and quarter some beaver (that have previously been hung to dry a bit after gutting) and fill up some 5 gallon buckets with the quarters.Cover the buckets with a black 45 gallon drum in the sun.It freezes and gets cool at night here that time of year,but the sun is warm in the afternoon.The meat will have a nice taint by the time trapping season starts around mid November.
(Don't let them freeze hard in the buckets if you leave them too late)
Do NOT use any salt or preservative.
This is a good canine bait and is a good draw.I prefer fresh bait for lynx and the mustelids sets nearby in conjunction.
Posted By: Kudluna5

Re: Tainting beaver meat - 07/01/18 02:42 AM

When will you know it is tainted enough? And what is a bait solution? Seems like a similar proccess to fermenting wine. My plan was to chunk the meat (grinding seems messy to portion for marten boxes) then taint it and then salt the pieces. Boco why shouldnt i add salt?
Posted By: Boco

Re: Tainting beaver meat - 07/01/18 03:00 AM

Salt prevents the small mammals and birds from working a bait which is the primary draw for a bait for animals like marten.Animals wont eat a salted bait,so are not attracted to it.Salt also turns fatty bait like beaver(which is the primo bait in cold climates)rancid real fast and drys it out too making it unpalatable to all the animals big and tiny.
It will also attract moose to your wolf jackpot which you want to avoid at all costs.
Posted By: traprjohn

Re: Tainting beaver meat - 07/01/18 03:09 AM

Bait solutions are made and sold by most large trapping suppliers, if you'll look

Yes some folks make their own but it can take years and much testing to get a good one
Popular and successful ones we've discussed here are:

Jamesons, Dobbins, Blackies, Weiser, Locklear, and others too

Have you checked out our Lure and Bait Archives?.. https://trapperman.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/forums/11/1/Lures,_Baits_and_Urine_Archive

Posted By: Kudluna5

Re: Tainting beaver meat - 07/13/18 05:20 PM

Im having a hard time navigating this page to find marten lure recipes.
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