
A Knock At The Door

Posted By: Nittany Lion

A Knock At The Door - 02/25/18 08:09 PM

Saturday morning the weather was too bad to go out.I was bored with nothing to do.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door.

I opened it to find a young, well dressed man standing there who said:

“Hello sir, I'm a Jehovah's Witness.”

So I said, "Come in and sit down.”

I offered him a fresh cup of coffee and asked, "What do you want to talk about?

He said, "Beats the crap out of me. Never got this far before.."
Posted By: Nessmuck

Re: A Knock At The Door - 02/25/18 08:13 PM

LOL !!
Posted By: pcr2

Re: A Knock At The Door - 02/25/18 08:17 PM

Posted By: bfisch

Re: A Knock At The Door - 02/25/18 09:06 PM

Posted By: goldnut

Re: A Knock At The Door - 02/25/18 09:27 PM

I like it.
Posted By: Lugnut

Re: A Knock At The Door - 02/25/18 09:32 PM

Good one!
Posted By: Jim Frazier

Re: A Knock At The Door - 02/25/18 10:07 PM

Lol I always tell them hold on my wife wants to talk to you ! She gets bent !!!!
Posted By: Catch22

Re: A Knock At The Door - 02/25/18 10:13 PM

That's hilarious!
Posted By: Trapper Dahlgren

Re: A Knock At The Door - 02/25/18 10:23 PM

great one my dad use to love talking the bible with them in the yard on picnic table while he drank a beer they would try to reform him lol
Posted By: silkyplainscoyot

Re: A Knock At The Door - 02/25/18 10:23 PM

Sounds like a joke to me. Everyone I've had an experience with has a topic for discussion or a scripture to share.
Posted By: hrdtoflw

Re: A Knock At The Door - 02/25/18 10:33 PM

Had one tree me while getting my climbing stand on my back. He said since I was going into the woods to sit, I could take some pamplets with me to read. I told him no, and he started to follow. I had to tell him he was trespassing, to get him to leave. I now have a sign at the door, and one at the beginning of our private road.
I don't mind someone spreading the word, as long as they are not too pushey!
Maybe I will invite them in next time.
Posted By: nightlife

Re: A Knock At The Door - 02/25/18 10:33 PM

Used to get dropped off at work early so I would wait at the Laundry next door till I could unlock the door without setting off the alarm. and they would come in to drop off those pamphlets

They used to try and tell all about the lord and what I needed to do to be saved, they stopped trying after a few long discussion and would just ignore me after I kept pointing out the gaps and flaws in their arguments and beliefs
Posted By: Meathunter1978

Re: A Knock At The Door - 02/25/18 10:39 PM

When I see them coming I answer the door with no shirt and an open bottle of liquor. Then ask them if they want to party. Lol.
Posted By: Meathunter1978

Re: A Knock At The Door - 02/25/18 10:39 PM

When I see them coming. I answer the door with no shirt and an open bottle of liquor. Then ask them if they want to party. Lol.
Posted By: gryhkl

Re: A Knock At The Door - 02/25/18 10:40 PM

I don't mind someone spreading the word, as long as they are not too pushey!

Posted By: Wild_Idaho

Re: A Knock At The Door - 02/25/18 11:19 PM

Originally Posted By: Meathunter1978
When I see them coming. I answer the door with no shirt and an open bottle of liquor. Then ask them if they want to party. Lol.

This I need to try! The sight of me shirtless, holding a bottle of Pendleton would send them running I am sure... I gotta be careful if I do this though... Every lady within a mile is bound to come knocking on my door after that. I'd have to beat them off with a stick.
Posted By: Charles2

Re: A Knock At The Door - 02/25/18 11:40 PM

One invited me to service, which I declined. He said I might learn something new......I told I'm pretty sure the "Word" hasn't changed since I read it last. He was short with me then and stated maybe we sacrifice sheep at service.......... I said if they were a messianic church there was no need. He was not as friendly as when he first showed up.
Posted By: P Porcupine

Re: A Knock At The Door - 02/26/18 01:40 AM

good one
Posted By: Lugnut

Re: A Knock At The Door - 02/26/18 01:54 AM

Originally Posted By: Jim Frazier
Lol I always tell them hold on my wife wants to talk to you ! She gets bent !!!!

I sic my wife on them too.
Posted By: Tweed

Re: A Knock At The Door - 02/26/18 01:57 AM

Originally Posted By: silkyplainscoyot
Sounds like a joke to me. Everyone I've had an experience with has a topic for discussion or a scripture to share.


Funny joke though
Posted By: KeithC

Re: A Knock At The Door - 02/26/18 02:16 AM

When I was a kid my mother would have us hide and be quiet when the Jehovas Witnesses were in the neighborhood. In my parents old neighborhood, the Jehovas Witnesses were always well dressed, black people. Years later, when I was in college, my girlfriend told me that her mother always had her and her siblings hide and be quiet too. The Jehovas Witnesses in her neighborhood were all well dressed, white people.

We had more trouble with Baptist stopping by and trying to convert us. They did not dress up as much and were harder to notice.

As an adult, I have been pestered by Jehovas Witnesses, Baptist, Mormons and Church of God. I rile the dogs up before answering the door. I am fairly polite, but tell them I am not interested and quickly close the door. So far they don't keep knocking. When I was a kid, the Jehovas Witnesses would knock over and over, even when my mother shut the door on them.

I really don't like it when people intrude on my property to try to convert me, sell me something or ask for donations. I think the same people frequently are actually thieves casing properties to rob. They are all thieves of my time.

Posted By: Rimrock1

Re: A Knock At The Door - 02/26/18 03:26 AM

Just keep a religious pamphlet handy and tell them that you will read theirs if they will read yours. THEY WILL NOT TRADE!

Re: A Knock At The Door - 02/26/18 11:33 AM

Their bible(new world translation) which was wrote in the 1960's is a little different than my Lutheran one wrote in approx. 1600's. They don't believe in the Trinity, heaven 4 u,and just believing in Jesus as your savior will not get u saved, u must work for your salvation. That's why their out spreading their word. Pretty old school as far as dress(coat & tie/long dresses) and kids r well disciplined. Won't have to worry about any of them shooting kids at schools! When they showed up we had bible study and they dont show up any more!
Posted By: 330-Trapper

Re: A Knock At The Door - 02/26/18 03:28 PM

yeah, their Bible is a very late translation... Jesus is a Good Profit is all to them
Posted By: Tweed

Re: A Knock At The Door - 02/26/18 03:32 PM

They believe Jesus is the Son of God and died for all of mankinds sins. I think they're considered "fundelmentalist" because they have a pretty literal understanding of the Bible and strive align their beliefs and lives with early Christians (hence not celebrating holidays except for the last supper).
Posted By: Birch Tree

Re: A Knock At The Door - 02/26/18 04:26 PM

I had a pair of JW's come to my door last Friday, I do not do any of the stuff some of you have mentioned, when they came to the door I greeted them politely and they said their opening line and I told them my wife and I were Orthodox Christians and we had a little 5-10 minute conversation on the state of the world and that God and faith are the answers and we said our goodbyes, the girl read a few scriptures to me after she asked my permission which I granted (who doesn't like to hear uplifting words from God?). They were very nice people who are, I am sure, way better Christians than me and want to bring a little light into the dark world we live in today. I am always an optimist and it always nice to see good people trying to do good things. Just because they don't share my exact faith doesn't mean they should be shunned.
Posted By: trapper les

Re: A Knock At The Door - 02/26/18 04:58 PM

I have always had an interest in understanding the sometimes subtle differences between all the different faiths, be it JWs, Methodists, Lutherans, Episcopalian, and even Baptists and Pentacostals which are the two odd ones for my area. No sense living in fear or ignorance. It's alright to listen to folks to gain that understanding, and you'll have no problem doing it if you can stand firm in your own convictions.

I was brought up Catholic myself, and that and Lutheran are the two most prominent faiths up here .
Posted By: Malukchuk

Re: A Knock At The Door - 02/26/18 06:53 PM

Hang this on your door :

Posted By: Trapper7

Re: A Knock At The Door - 02/26/18 08:35 PM

Originally Posted By: silkyplainscoyot
Sounds like a joke to me. Everyone I've had an experience with has a topic for discussion or a scripture to share.

I agree, I'm sure it is. They never send someone out who isn't well prepared to share their version of the bible.
Posted By: Sullivan K

Re: A Knock At The Door - 02/26/18 10:38 PM

The Jehovah witnesses I have met have not been pushy at all. Rather nice people. All you Christians sure are very quick to put down another believer. I had two women stop by last summer. We sat on my front porch and talked for about a half hour. I told them what I believed and they told me what they believed. About a month later they stopped by again, and we sat on the porch and talked for about a half hour. We had a discussion and I told them what I believed. They have not been back since.
Once, maybe 25 yeas ago, a couple of Jehovah witnesses stopped by. I had just gotten home from squirrel hunting. I pulled in the driveway and grabbed two dead squirrels out of the car along with my rifle. They pulled up and got out of their car, with me holding the dead squirrels and my rifle. We had a very nice little talk for a few minutes. The dead squirrels and gun did not bother them one bit. Another time I was in the middle of skinning a beaver. There was a knock of the door, I was skinning in the back room of the house, and it was a couple of witnesses, My hands were bloody and covered with dirt from skinning. I was a pretty grungy fellow. I invited them in and they watched me finish skinning the beaver and thought it was pretty cool. They were actually a couple of pretty young gals and I never would have thought they we have been so at ease with the skinning, but it didn't bother them at all.

You people are way to sensitive if you let the Jehovah witnesses bother you. Belly up and be a Christian and talk to them. The ones I have met are really very nice folks.
Posted By: Mike Flick

Re: A Knock At The Door - 02/26/18 11:28 PM

LOL! I actually do ask them to come in. Offer them drinks and stuff, and tell them they can always come by when ever they want as long as they don't bring up religion.They come back some times, and wave when they ride by. Nice people.
Posted By: traprjohn

Re: A Knock At The Door - 02/26/18 11:50 PM

Originally Posted By: Tweed
They believe Jesus is the Son of God and died for all of mankinds sins. I think they're considered "fundelmentalist" because they have a pretty literal understanding of the Bible and strive align their beliefs and lives with early Christians

above is ACTUALLY HOW INDEPENDENT FUNDAMENTALIST believe and who only use the King James.

BELOW is how the JW's believe.

(hence not celebrating holidays except for the last supper).

so you have a combination of sorts.
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